Andersen did it, so I was curious. The only problem I had with the test was that certain statements that I could not agree or disagree with without a qualifier. Take, for example, the statement: "If I find out someone served in a war, I respect them more." I would say yes and no, depending on their conduct during the war, and their feelings on it. I'm not anti-military, but I don't condone certain things the military has done, as well as certain attitudes held by participants in the military. Still, I like taking surveys like this, just to see if I really am the way I think I am.
My favorite statements:
24. It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match.
30. Most people are too stupid to know what is best for them.
My first reaction to #24 was, "No! Of course not!" But, once I thought about it, I remembered something my dad told me once. When he was in high school, and two guys were pissed about something, the PE teachers would have them box during class, thus ending their fight. He said it always worked to dispel tension, and often the two became friends afterwards, or at least respected each other more. So, maybe if two people are hell-bent on killing each other, they should be allowed to do so in a safe arena away from other people. Two men enter, one man leave. Tina Turner knows what's up.
To number 30, I really really really wanted to say "Strongly Disagree." But I couldn't. I ended up putting "Disagree," but honestly, I do kind of agree with it.
I also love that Darth Vader is on the graph of famous people, right next to Stalin. But why is fucking John McCain's the largest picture on the graph? I am squarely on top of Hillary (insert gross joke here if you must), although the last test like this I took, I had the same score as Obama.
I also like how the Republican section is the closest to Fascist.
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