This awesome theme set was created by
seta_suzume and assigned to me for
31_days_exchnge. Since I like to multitask, the fics will also fit for
100fandomhell Thus, I'm calling my efforts "31 Sui Generis Fics," since most of them are from fandoms I've never written in, and a lot of the fandoms are very, very obscure. the fics should all be posted by Feb. 19.
1. a sacrificial soul
2. I will succeed my mother
3. revenant
4. more passion than precision
5. I became like fire and like light
6. the fever persisted for eight days
7. but that was the beginning, and this is the end
patron saint of the ballot box - (The Truman Show)9. restless and candid
10. with men of like mind
11. something uncommon about him - (The Changeover)12. heart is won by heart
13. a banquet of bubbles
14. sparks shoot up
15. the affairs of heretics
16. fall thick and fast
17. a place subject to storms
18. swan song
19. walking on water
20. one night would decide if he lived or died
21. the girl's not quite right
22. numinous
23. I will not be corrupted or embittered
24. but the first thing you noticed about him
25. a girlish crush
26. and so we sang of summer
27. a history of color - Skip Beat28. I have taken up another's cause
29. tell me about him
30. a man of the land and a man of the sky
31. even when it's nothing it's something