Since I've discovered that I tend to lurk in a lot of fandoms which aren't anime, I decided I needed a general fic recs comm. Since I've learned that if I make grandiose plans I tend to get overwhelmed, I decided to keep it simple.
Rec-readational at
rec_a_day... my rec comm for whatever happens to catch my attention. I post one fic rec a day. So far I've gotten 24 recs... I decided to wait and pimp it at the end of the month, after I've proven I can stick with it. The end of the month is here, and I've updated regularly.
So far there is:
crossovers: 1 entry
calvin & hobbes: 1 entry
demon diary: 1 entry
detective conan/magic kaitou: 2 entries
full metal alchemist: 1 entry
harry potter: 4 entries
hikaru no go: 1 entry
house m.d.: 2 entries
naruto: 3 entries
prince of tennis: 1 entry
sailor moon: 1 entry
the west wing: 1 entry
x: 1999/tokyo babylon: 1 entry
xxxholic: 2 entries
yu yu hakusho: 2 entries
So it's still heavy on anime, but a couple of "mainstream" fandoms are also included. Feel free to watch the comm!
The comm's lovely icons were made by
mklutz. I still have a CCS/XXXholic fic I need to write for her, but I'm kinda... stuck. Really, I'm working on it, Emily!