[picspam] VSA Dragon Year SP!

Jan 07, 2012 03:19

I can't find a HQ file with the quick 「このあとすぐ!」CM that airs right before the show starts...

But I have a LQ one and I totally freaked out when I saw myself here! although my new icon is my favorite cap... 多分...

This is going to seriously be a long one!!!

So from the moment we sat in our seats, we already knew we were going to be in a prime spot because we were basically sitting in the middle of the main audience seating... but we didn't know we would have THAT good of a seat until it aired.

I was freaking out when the show started!  We were in SUCH A GOOD SPOT!!

And then, we were behind Sho-chan for his close ups!!!

Plus, for most of the talk, it's like they parted around us on purpose...

although Nino did block me a lot! *squishes Nino*

And it totally looked like they were ちゅ〜ing me a few times! hehehe.

翔ちゃん ちゅ〜!

[OMG, it totally lookes like I'm staring at his lips while starting to pucker my own!! hahaha. This is an awesome cap! *pats self on the back*]

ニノ ちゅ〜 on my cheek!

*pure happiness*

muwahahaha.  *clearly has too much time on her hands as she is stuck in bed sick*

After the talk, we were moved to the sub studio where we would watch 1/2 the shows via the monitor (the games in the main studio were shown to us via two monitors in our studio) and 1/2 the shows live in the tiny studio we were put in.

First was Jungle Bingo! 

I was super sad because I've been wanting to see that game since I first saw it and was really hoping to see it when we went last year and I was stoked when we first ran walked in to the main studio and saw it behind the curtain.  But then I was totally crushed when they moved us out right after the opening.

Then once all three teams played Bingo, they came over to our studio where Pinball Runner was waiting!

*caps the title frame so a blur of us is in it*
When it was Nino's turn to run, he was facing us and smiling at us while the staff helped him put the basket on. *kyas*

I still can't believe how close we were to him! *Thanks the JE gods for letting me hit for the "special" group *
It was SO HARD to focus because Sho-chan was facing us from across the way.

But Nino was RIGHT in front of us... like RIGHT there... and he was sooo cute practicing his kicking.  I actually noticed it and totally pointed and laughed. haha. oops.

Then, when Nino was done running, he took the basket off and came all the way to the edge of the treadmill to sit. *kyas*

And of course, we can't forget about Pink Jun!!!!!
*still shivering from the J laser beam stare*
Naka Riisa complains about not getting the pink balls so Shitara-san asks who the person in charge of pink was...

Then J responds that it was him.

And then they all start calling him Pink Jun-san. bwahahahaha.

Nino asks if he thought the pink ball fell in the number spot that he said.

To which J thinks about the flow of events...

And answers with, "This game, I am bad at it."  And then he shows us his elusive under-lip mole! *kyas!*

Then, they left our studio for the AD ppl to clean and set up the next game while the cast headed for the main studio to play Cliff Climb.

Tsuyoshi Shinjo-san comes out as another plus one guest at this time!

We totally didn't know who he was but learned he was a baseball player that was training in Indonesia to be a pro motocross rider. hahaha.

After they finished that, they came back into our studio....

But on the show, they had that special rolling coin tower at this point. I'm pretty sure they filmed that RIGHT after they finished the final rolling coin tower, and before they shot the ending talk leading into Captain's SP drama, but I'll get to that later... For now, I just wanna put this awesome NinoAi cap and Yasu because he's so cute! *and I love that Sho-chan yells out, "Yo! Musekinin Hero!" when he puts his piece down*

Shinjo-san introduces the next game in our studio!!

Yes, this is where I got embarassed by my silly interaction with Bananaman leading up to Sho-chan laughing at me... *sigh*
Anyways, as you can see we were sitting RIGHT behind them, so of course they would hear me and my loud American voice talking! *sigh*

This was the second time we saw this game (we saw it last year, too) but because this studio is so small, it actually felt really big.

I was so sad when Nino missed the blue puck. *points at sad face in cap below*

I felt really sad for the Lucky Seven team because they didn't do that bad during practice... but Arashi did well, so I was happy for them!

They went back to the main studio for the next game.

We couldn't see this one for 95% of it because they were setting up our studio as soon as the cast left.
And it's a good thing, cuz if I saw what happened to Aiba-chan, I would have freaked out!

*shocked he didn't hurt himself*

When they came back, we were anxiously waiting to see Macho-kun!

They actually keep him under the curtains even when they are bringing out so even we can't see his design until the camera starts rolling and he's revealed to everyone!

We were in the back of it, so we had to rely on the monitors to see the "New Year Dragon" model Macho-kun. lol

It was funny because when the director held up the sign saying there were 2012 small balls on the Macho-kun, we really had no idea, just like Sho-chan said. 

The cloud was REALLY high up because Macho-kun was propped up on the bamboo poles and it was REALLY hard to see inside/on top of the cloud. lol.  It was funny cuz Nino was like, "Where are you spending our (the show's) money!?"

When we watched it onair, we were giggling because we managed to get squeezed in between the map of the blocks and the edge of the frame, giving us more airtime.*next goal is to time how much time I'm actually on screen*

I remember flailing because Nino was facing us during Arashi's turn...

Then S-chan was freaking out cuz J was standing RIGHT in front of us for Lucky Seven's turn. lol.

If you ever wondered what it would be like to be right behind J, our view seriously looked like this... but maybe two feet higher.
*the camera man was standing right below us*

And then J fails.
We were bummed cuz it was SUPER fast... and that meant we were spending less time breathing the same air as Arashi-chan.  M-chan and I totally hand another 鼻血作戦 going on before the game started and we were wanting all of the balls to fall on us... the staff overheard us and said that we had nothing to worry about because they'd protect us, so we just kinda smiled and said「あっ、宜しくお願いします。」super awkwardly. lol.

Aaaanyways, back to the show, Sho-chan says it was "UnLucky Seven" which makes You-san mad. lol.

I love how Sho-chan mentions that it's a waste to destroy it early in the game... and then how J crashes it super fast and ends up apologizing to the art department for crashing it so fast after it was over and they were walking out of the studio. hahahaha.

After this, as they were walking out of the studio, Shinjo-san said he had to go back to Bali, so he left.  The boys were panicking but he told them not to worry because someone else would be coming and left.
*oh! he's totally looking in our direction!*

The next game was played in the main studio.

While they were filming Dual Curling R, the AD told us that they were going to be filming two consecutive games in our studio next and that they would be the last games for us. *cries*

During the game, the next Plus One guest came out and it was Gackt!

M-chan died. lol.

Before we knew it, they came back in to our studio and M-chan tried to stay calm because her dream man was coming in. lol.

*was in awe of Gackt's beauty*Before the games started, we already knew that the smoke was going to blast us EVERY time a ball came out because the art staff was testing it before the cast came in. From watching other shows, the main studio is WAY bigger, so the viking ship isn't placed nearly as close to the audience as it was for us... It's usually double the distance so the smoke still kinda reaches the audience, but not  to the point that they are covered in it like we were.

Were we Lucky? UnLucky Seven? I still haven't decided. 
But it was funny watching ourselves freak out about the smoke.  I seriously am a jumpy person to begin with, so I was trying my hardest at first to be calm and aware of the timing... but by the time Arashi played, we didn't care anymore.  We were cold and getting burned by the dry ice chips that were flying out.

By the very last ball, we were ducking and covering ourselves.  Absolutely NO care for trying to look like nothing was hitting us. hahaha.

Poor Captain got some in his eyes, I feel your pain.
*cheers for her Sapporo hair gomu*

I was trying my hardest to see the last ball and where it was going because for the rest of the time, I had been scared out of my mind of the damn smoke flying at me and M-chan and of her clinging to me.

Sho-chan's impersonation of Aiba-chan was really cute!  I swear they turn down Aiba-chan's mic during this game, cuz he was actually super loud in studio. lol.

The final game we saw was Kicking Sniper. *cries again*

The crane camera was right in front of us, so you could only see us a few times in this game.
*mainly from the camera behind the net, see that crane!? 邪魔!!*

After Lucky Seven Team's first round, J was super depressed already and I love nothing more than  ダメ松潤!  He was so cute!!

I love it when he says, 「ちげぇよ!」 and this time he said it so cute and playful as opposed to his normal angry Domyoji-like way of saying it.  I totally squealed. Plus, Sho-chan totally backed him up.

And then Himura-san tried to cheer J up by lightening the mood, and it totally worked!

Then during Arashi's turn there was all of this Ra-himu/Ra-shita/Ba-ia joutai stuff going on... which we were all kinda like, "Huh!?" about... but watching it on TV, its funny to see how awkward the atmosphere got. lol. And it was funny cuz Gackt even used it!

Oh! And then Captain did such a good job, it impressed Nino! and himself! lol.

And here's the last time you could see us with Arashi...

After the final game was played in the other studio, we waited for what seemed like an eternity.  I am pretty sure they had cleared out the other room but we were all still sitting in the sub studio in silence... the staff wasn't saying anything to us and the JE staff wasn't there either.... but they had the monitors on a corner behind the curtain and we saw them setting up the kotatsu de arashi set in our studio as well... but all of a sudden we couldn't see the feed anymore and they shut the curtains to the kotatsu de arashi set... and then, M and I could hear the boys talking!!!   They were filming this right by the entrance to the studio.

I am pretty sure that they were filming the Shuccho Rolling Coin Tower right before this because I they mentioned the date of filming, and it was the same day as the rest of the show... which means Yasu was totally in the studio, too!!!  Too bad we couldn't see them.
And it wasn't until CMs starting running for Oh-chan's drama that I put it together that when they came to say their thank yous, Merry Christmas and good byes, Oh-chan was wearing the outfit for Shotaro!

*NOTE TO SELF: Make a cap collection of all J's failed facial expressions from this episode.*

arashi, arashi: matsumoto jun, show: vs arashi, flail: i am famous!, arashi: aiba masaki, arashi: ninomiya kazunari, arashi: sakurai sho, arashi: ohno satoshi, picture spam

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