"If there was a time machine, if I could turn back time"
1. ヒカリ/Hikari
I guess the tears just rolled down my cheeks the moment I heard tegoshi sing. Like it was all worth it to have came here, despite for just that one show :D So much bliss being here..
2.蒼色ジュブナイル/Aoiiro Juvenile
They were behind a sheer piece of curtain before the song started. When the song started it got slowly lifted up and everyone started screaming their lungs out. Tegoshi was so gorgeous OMG. Beautiful, the hair, everything, it suddenly felt like he grew up too fast. LOL.
NEIRO YEAY! *Screams* Its an old song ♥♥ Reminds me of Tegomass no Ai OMG ♥♥ なつかしテゴマス♥ It's really been a while.
I knew this song existed in the album but not the ones that I always listen to. But listening to them now, it suddenly became such a soothing song, that angelic voices ♥ Think this song peaked when Massu lean his head on Tegoshi's shoulder. UHOHOH those idiots♥
Greetings/aka re-enactments of my thoughts during the greeting. (ignoreme)
- Tegoshi so cute I will squeeze you
5. いつかの街/Itsuka No Machi
One of my favourite songs in the album, truth be told I didn't really like the album the first time I heard it but this was one of the few songs I fell in love with pretty much immediately.
Too beautiful for words YES/NO?
7.魔法のメロデイ/Mahou no Melody
Finally get to listen to this song live. After missing on the previous tour I thought listening to this won't happen but it did YEAY! Tegomass was on the screen at the end of the song, animation like background with them on it, & acting like they're pulling strings, adorable & very tegomass like ♥♥♥♥
♥Tegoshi on guitar, honestly thought they were gonna start the concert with this song, but of course it has to be Hikari, but both as beautiful, no complains at all.♥♥
- Massu started like he was doing master hits LOL, so cute.
- Tegoshi says the audience were so near.
- Massu describe the side seats like everyone is on a roller coaster.
- Talked about the heavy snow in Japan.
- I excited halfway I gagged lmao self.
- Apparently tegoshi was on the escalators on the previous day/goods open 1st day, but no one saw him. HOW IN THE WORLD WITH THAT HAIR. Anyways he said he was also peeking and looking through some door/hole looking at our expressions as we bought the albums. Everyone was like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH, for the longest time ever after he said that. I heard USO like at least hundred times in the hall when he said that he was in hiding lol.
- Talked about the penlight and asked for the audience to off the penlight during the next few songs.
- Tegoshi says he likes halls better because of the environment and how they can connect easily with the band without being so far away.
9.青いベンチ/Aoi Bench
Everyone was so shocked when Tegoshi said they wouldn't need a mike for the performance. GAH this song is so beautiful, why kamisama why tegoshi why you so beautiful. I CANT MOUUUUU! Some toddler was crying during the pitch black performance with the spotlight only on them, but marvelous tegoshi sang with all due care LOL ♥ I think no one was breathing during the performance and the claps after the performance was over was WOAH, 1 minute long? or longer i swear. They deserve it *claps some more*
10.きれいごと/Kirei goto
Tegoshi lighted up a candle in the middle of the stage and all at once the lights at the back lit up. The audience just went wahhh, it was a sight not to be forgotten ever, too beautiful. A beautiful song, a performance with such an atmosphere and angelic voices singing them. I CANNOT HOLD MY TEARS ALREADY.
Before the next song started tegoshi said thank you for the claps & mentioned he was so nervous he would mess up.
& of course they didnt.♥♥
11.タイムマシン/Time Machine
My favourite performance of the whole setlist. Hands down. Best ever. What is air. The lyrics of this song is ♥ so relevant to everything. About how you wish you can turn back time, and get back everything in life once again. I gave away all my tears for this song, okay osaka didn't flood. Thank god :D
- Describes the album and how it is supposed to fall into pieces of surrounding the seishun theme.
- PV shooting of Hikari talk, describes how great the weather was.
- Apparently they were going to do Hikari PV shooting in a studio if it was going to rain that day. Lucky it didnt, yes he kept saying he was the hare otoko :D
- Tegomass Radio talk, asked everyone if they listened.
- Talks about people who watches concert for the first time, apparently there were some in the audience. Massu's good friend from his hometown watched a NEWS/Tegomasu concert as his first, and told Massu he was glad that his first concert was massu's on a text after the show.
- Tegoshi did the recording of tsuki no tomodachi without knowing the folklore of the usagi who lived on the moon.
- He then said, "You all know that story, but I'm sure you don't know anything about soccer player right?" LOL tegoshi. He said with the soon to be world cup he is going to get busy. "But busy is good right?"
- "How can anyone know about that folklore seriously tegoshi didn't your mother tell you that story everytime before you sleep? NO?"
- And then he went to the toilet LOL.
- Left behind but continue talking to us.
- And then he talked about Hanyu-kun and start mimicking his skating, tripped after a jump and turn and almost falling, all of us laughed at him. HAHAHHAA
- While tegoshi was being laughed at, massu came back.
- Explained to us to switch on the penlight accordingly by the levels for the next song.
- Massu so cute speaking to the 'roiller coaster side audience' everyone there literally died screaming.
- While all of us at the third level screaming we can't see. tegoshi was like you all will manage somehow!
12. サヨナラにさよなら/Sayonara ni Sayonara
So yes we somehow managed to do the intro despite being on the third level with the penlight effect from level 1 to level 3. It was beautiful, I went SUGOI. And during the chorus, tegomass while holding on the penlights too, waved from left to right making a half circle and everyone in the audience followed along ♥♥♥ Beautiful green shigeaki lights.
Do you know how many times I listened to this song the first time I discovered its existence ♥♥♥♥ To see them performing this live *BAWLS* They harmonise so well you cry rainbows and sparkles.
I wouldn't say I like this song much, but tegoshi dance this song while massu singing, his body oh so flexible, so hot *fans self* They changed clothes in between while the band was being introduced.
15.猫中毒/Neko Chudoku
No I don't like this song, BUT OMG SO CUTE, I want to squeeze them O.O My body just moved unknowingly and danced together with them. And the amount of fanservice in this song is countless. And the band members they were dancing to it as well, with the neko mimi and ALL! They say on the floor after the song exhausted. Stupid massu said it was the last song and then he went USODAYO with that evil cheeky smile. OI OMAE. Tegoshi spoke about his punishment on the DVD, massu said he was worried about tegoshi. He said if he was tegoshi's fan he would stop being a fan from shock. (IWONT) Anyway they also put up the Neko Chudoku costume at the lobby and tegomass were saying how long they would have to take if they really wore those same costumes, and how it would have been the last song if so, because they would probably be too tired to do anymore performance after. HAHAHAHAHA.
16.花に想いを/Hana Ni Omoi O
Massu's on the harmonica and Tegoshi's on the tambourine and everyone's clapping along to the song.
17. ミソスーピ/Miso Soup
Where it all began. This is that song. That created the wonderful tegomass we know today.
18.キッス~帰り道のラブソング~/Kiss Kaerimichi no Love Song
My all time favourite tegomass song, I miss the time everyone use to sing the bridge together during tours. Glad I could hear it again after such a long time.
- Talked about the release of kiss, they forgot when it was released,
tegoshi said "I was 20 right? Maybe? Aaaah I dont know"
massu then said "What do we do if we ourselves the artist don't know"
tegoshi, "It's okay ask the audience, they know everything about us, な?" They love us so it's okay they will forgive us that we forget"
- Talked about songs not being enough for a concert during the first time they started and how NEWS sang NEWS Nippon thrice during their first performance.
- SEXY ZONE より SEXY by Masuda Takahisa
- Audience shouted for them to do CHU CHU CHU, which followed by a series of CHUCHUCHU by crazy adorable massu.
19.色鮮やかな君が描く明日の絵/Iro azayakana kimi ga kaku ashita no e
CHOIR REHEARSAL SONG TIME! We did the lalalalala part in all the different notes according to tegoshi sensei. So much fun, he even sang もっともっと大阪 along to the tune so we would be louder.♥♥♥
20.夕焼けと恋と自転車/Yuuyake to koi to jitensha
Massu held some of the audiences hand from the end of the stage and people start dying and screaming. LMAO.
~ ENCORE + テゴマス Call ~
came out with the tsuki no tomodachi mascot. Only two in the world :( The audience kept saying kawaii. Why not goods, I WANT!
22.月の友だち/Tsuki no Tomodachi
OOH YEAH OOH YEAH OOH YEAH x1000 times. The animation on the screen マジhilarious, and according to the lyrics as well. And so they were dancing with the mascots as well, tegoshi was swinging around his mascot, it's head looked like it will come off orz. violent tegoshi. JUMP JUMP JUMP. And the tegomass call during the bridge is <3 And everyone laughed at massu for being retardedly cute singing OOH YEAH OOH YEAH which changed to もうやめてもうやめて and rapping it at the same time.
*Tegomass Ending Speech*
See you again cute adorable tegomass!
Massu I will miss you being exceptionally crazy and cute in tegomass :D
It's like I found a new you! Always :D
Last, no more :(
till nagoya bbs ♥♥♥♥
They ended the song going into a door on the screen.
Enough said, beautiful visuals.
For reading through this. You must have been a strong soul for reading my emotional rubbish crappy report that is so tegoshi biased i know im sorry.
:D Hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did going for the show. Sorry i'm not that good at making you visualised the situation wiith words. ♥♥