Dead and Buried (Okay, not dead, but I sure feel dead after all this snow shoveling!)

Feb 04, 2015 18:10

In a matter of two weeks my hometown’s already gotten well over 60 inches of snow, of which my sore arms and back will testify that I hand-shoveled every bit of it around my property. I’m exhausted…and more snow is on the way!! O_O Mother Nature, give us a break! I realize our winter was mild until last week, but you don’t need to dump a whole season’s worth all at once. Space these storms apart, give us time to actually find places to PUT the snow, pretty please?

Sheesh, and the poor groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter. It this weather pattern keeps up, my city’s screwed. Roads are a nightmare. My wallet’s feeling the pain, too: I don’t get paid to stay home from work and shovel. T_T Even worse, tomorrow I’ve got an open house to attend-hopefully for a prospective job interview-and I’m not sure I’ll be able to attend if snow’s in the forecast! Maybe the open house will be rescheduled, but maybe it won’t. It all depends on Mother Nature, who doesn’t seem to like my city right now.

Why didn’t I fly south with all the other geese, or hibernate until spring? Often I think animals have the right idea.

life, winter from hell 2015, winter, aiselne worries too much, weather, rant, jobs

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