So, it's been years since I've written any Buffy fic, but this story has actually been sitting on my hard drive unfinished for a long time now, and since I've been rewatching Buffy again I finally got off my butt and finished it
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So, I've been reading some of the theories going around about why Sam is acting the way he is this season. Here are my thoughts on the most popular one and why I really don't like it:
Title: Ashes Fandom: BtVS Rating: R Pairing: Spike/Buffy Timeline: Season 6
A/N: So, this drabble was just me writing with no idea what I wanted to write, or what was going to come out. Of course, it ends up being some weird season 6 angst thing. I'm not sure what to think about it. *shrugs*
So, this is a drabble. This is totally a drabble. It's a... 2553 word drabble. *headdesk* I fail. Written for xc_runner50. Prompt: "Buffy, why is there a Spikebot in the basement
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