hurricane housing

Sep 02, 2005 21:45

i've been consumed by news and organization support for katrina today. there are lots of great places that will make you angry, sad, or hopeful.

the internet is reconfiguring itself to optimize its use as an emergency coordination center. no amount of central coordination (particularly the brand we've currently got) would ever be able to replace something like this.

i see what is going on as a version of "normal" sped up by an order of magnitude. if the rate of change in the world is increasing, this level of coordination and dynamic response could become the normal way you operate. how about waking up every morning and checking the internet for what your job is going to be that day.

or how about waking up tomorrow as a technical volunteer? i've tried to find sites looking to coordinate volunteers, but they are trailing information and equipment donation sites. i'd probably have better luck walking down to the red cross office here in abq.

a list of blogs that i came across today:

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