Jan 01, 2008 18:40
Well, this was an interesting New Year's Eve. At one point there was talk of going out to visit Elyssa with Loretta and Chris, which of course fell through because it involved a real plan. Instead, I got to hang out with the gaming crew at Harbor Point, and watch people play Order of the Stick. Of course, not having started the game until 12:40 in the morning, it didn't finish until almost 6 am. By which time Viv was sleeping in between turns, Rachel was asleep on the couch, and I was napping on the floor. It was nice and low-key. the LoBues begged off pre-midnight due to illness, and I hope they're both feeling better.
I took many fun pictures of Paul opening presents with my new digital camera, and as soon as I get around to downloading them to the computer I will post them here. there are a couple that are quite fun.
And so on. Welcome 2008. I hope everyone had a good welcome to it. I suppose if I were the type to make resolutions, I would resolve to not create as much overwhelming stress in my life. But knowing me that's not going to happen. At least it will continue to be a fun ride.