Dec 02, 2007 23:39
Well, now, actually.
The gaming group did all the November birthdays in one go today, which was fun because it was an excuse to hang out, and it wasn't all centered on one person. We went to the Museum of Science, and did the CSI exhibit. I think it would have been more fun if we'd split up into two groups, because then we could compare different crime scenes. As it was, with eight of us, it got a little crazy. Then we wandered around the museum for an hour or so, and caught the Electricity presentation. I always like that because they use the giant Van de Graaf generator to create an indoor lightening show. Although this time it felt like we got the condensed version. The guy definitely didn't talk about why Tesla created tesla coils or do the neat demonstration with a halogen tube, and he never even talked about the Jacob's ladder.
And I bought Jim a brain on a keychain, which will hopefully lessen his attempts to eat mine (my brain, not my keys).
Then back to Harbor Point for chinese and gifts, as a result of which we wound up watching Ratatouille, which I highly recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it. Great fun was had by all.
And when we left the museum it had just started to snow. By the time we went home, everything was lightly dusted, and so pretty! I love the way the world looks just after a snowfall.