[ Hmm, those yukatas were quite fashionable. Almost a shame to let them go. Still, ultimately there's nothing like
his own selectionBuckingham's last two transmission were conveniently timed accidents. His current project is a deliberate video message. He holds up the device and eyes it sceptically for a moment before deeming the results
Read more... )
But he's keeping any and all information about the last event to himself.]
Don't tell me that your hair has lost its will to defy its own weight without three valets to keep it up.
[So dry, his tone.]
Because that would be a damned shame.
Say the word and the position is all yours.
[ Because that is what he meant by his comment, is it not? ♥ ]
[Doesn't he sound amused? Hahaha. Ha ha. Ha.]
I pity whoever you con into servitude.
Quite the pity; you would have made a fine valet...
[Ah, well. You learn to get over it.]
You've become spoiled.
[ Isn't that right, tinycake!Athos? ]
[Oh, and just so we don't forget...]
I'm surprised that you have such a fatherly side.
Dolefully: ]
I was rather hoping to serve as a good influence, but I see you are back to your old ways. And now I'm afraid not even wine could persuade you to change...
[ Not ordinary wine at any rate and Buckingham has better things to do than drug Athos just to play dress-up with him. For the moment. ]
[Athos is amused. Oh-so amused. But at least he's not playing Little Boy Blue again.]
It's easy to charm a youth when they don't know any better, and there is not enough wine in the world that could tempt me to wear a shade as gaudy as yours.
[ And instead of moving the conversation along Buckingham will now take the liberty to openly undress scrutinise Athos with his gaze. At great length. ]
...stop looking at me like that.
I expected you were modest, but bashful?
You are incorrect in mistaking my discomfort for shyness.
[Athos is about as blunt as a hammer to the head of a nail, and his quiet nature is less nervousness and more not-wanting-to-talk-unless-he-has-to.]
[ Which is true and only makes it so much better, really. ♥
...Although he does cease the gazing; if he stops while he's ahead then perhaps he can recycle that move again once or twice. ]
Did you enjoy yourself during the last event? I found it was quite a pleasant repose from the usual décor.
It was fair.
[They are entirely correct.
But the narration will not leave it at that, no, because that would be far too cruel. Athos distinctly remembers some things from the event that he would rather keep under wraps forever, because he doesn't know where they came from and the only explanation is whatever "magic" keeps this place going.
It's hard to forget, however, with the sickly sweet scent of perfume roiling in the back of his mind and questions he's not willing to ask that need answering trying to shove their way into the spotlight.]
The clothing was lacking.
[ So he did miss his fancy pants a little, but really - the exotic alternatives! ]
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