Par Amor [Baekhyun/Suho] (2/5)

Jul 04, 2013 20:10

Par Amor part 2


Baekhyun decides to keep out of the wedding events for the rest of the week. She tells Lu Han and Kyungsoo that it’s best if they handle things from here on out, that it would serve as practice for them. She’s relieved that they agree without question, even though Lu Han gives her a suspicious look.

It’s after dinner and everyone’s going back to his or her respective rooms to freshen up. But Baekhyun isn’t up for sleeping yet.

“Where are you going?” Minseok asks her as she lifts the skirt of her simple floor-length dress to go to the opposite direction of the cottages.

“I’m going to go for a walk,” Baekhyun tells him with a smile.

“Do you need company?” Zitao immediately asks, but Baekhyun shakes her head.

“I’ll be fine,” Baekhyun says. “Tell Lu Han I’ll be back shortly.”

She makes her way to the beach, barefooted. Her gray dress is getting stained with sand but she doesn’t even care. It’s been a while since she’s gone to the beach. One of the reasons why she accepted Chanyeol’s request to plan her wedding week for her, aside from being her friend, is because she’s holding it at the beach.

Kris had taken her to one of the beaches in Japan on their honeymoon. She remembers how they ran around and threw sand and splashed salt water at each other. Her husband had even carried her over his shoulder as he waded into the deeper parts of the sea. She had shrieked and slapped his arm to no avail. Eventually, he straightened her up, his arms secure around her. He’d told her then that, no matter what, he is always going to protect her, that he’s always going to love her the way he does.

Baekhyun wonders what happened along the way. Kris had never been the violent type. But somewhere along the way he became one. There were days when Kris would come home drunk. He’d yell for her and then force himself on her right there in the living room. His kisses would be rough and bruising. Sometimes he never even kissed her and just ripped her clothes off. It always baffles her what could have happened that changed him so drastically. What happened to the man she fell in love with? What happened to the man who swore, even when they were still friends, that he would take care of her?

She doesn’t know how things have changed so fast, she doesn’t know who they are as a couple anymore. She doesn’t even know who she is when she’s with Kris. It seems so long ago when she’d told him that she loves him, even longer when he’s said it to her. When she thinks about Kris, all she can feel is fear and betrayal.

Contrary to what Lu Han and her other friends may think, she has thought about leaving Kris. How could she not when it’s clear that their relationship is far from healthy? Before Lu Han had ever brought it up, Baekhyun had talked to her sister about it. She’d asked and cried about what she could do to fix things. The only thing she remembers Taeyeon saying is that she made a promise to stay with Kris for all of her life. That’s a promise she’s going to have to live with.

The wind is cold by the seaside as the sun sets on the horizon and she shivers. Her life is so cold. Baekhyun can’t even find warmth in her marriage; from the person she thought she could count on forever. She looks out ahead and watches as the waves crash into the beach.

She’s startled when she sees movement ahead. There’s someone walking by the beach just like her, someone wearing a dark suit, the pants folded up to his knees. It’s looks strangely like… Before she can even turn away, he’s already seen her and is making his way towards her.

“Baekhyun, please just hear me out,” Joonmyun almost begs.

Baekhyun takes a deep breath, crossing her arms on her chest. She really shouldn’t but Joonmyun looks so earnest. “Fine.”

“I didn’t mean anything by wanting you to call me and inviting you out to eat,” Joonmyun explains. “Not because I didn’t think you’re attractive,” he immediately adds when Baekhyun’s cheeks pink, “because I think you’re beautiful and-“ He clears his throat when Baekhyun blushes even more. “Just…I wanted to be your friend. I want to be your friend.”

“I’m married,” Baekhyun points out, cheeks feeling warm. “You’re married.” She knows there’s nothing wrong with being friends with other people of the opposite sex who are married, but it just feels wrong between them somehow. Especially when it’s clear that the attraction isn’t one-sided.

“I know that,” he evenly states, swallowing heavily, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. “But I…I’m not going to lie to you. I liked talking to you and it’s been so long since simple conversations made me happy like that. I’m being selfish but I want to keep on having them.”

“I don’t know, Joonmyun,” she hesitates. There’s no denying that she enjoyed her conversations with Joonmyun, just how much it lifted her spirits up, how much they made her smile. But still.

“There’s nothing wrong with being friends, Baekhyun,” he insists. “I just want to keep talking to you.”

She thinks of Kris and how they never really see much of each other, much less talk, and then she looks at Joonmyun, who seems so eager to do just that with her. And this is a really bad idea, she can just feel it, but…

“Okay,” Baekhyun softly answers. She takes a deep breath. “Friends.”

The way Joonmyun smiles, one would think he’s won the lottery. Baekhyun’s heart stutters in her chest.


It is easier after they’ve talked. Baekhyun finds that, now that they’re clear about the facts that they’re both taken in the strictest sense of the word, it’s more comfortable to be around Joonmyun. It’s just like how they were when they first met, fun and relaxed. The things they talked about ranged to anything under the sun, although they avoided talking about the more serious things, like their respective relationships.

Baekhyun is laughing at some lame joke that Joonmyun just shared with her when the groom joins them on the table. The grand lunch event, with everyone wearing pretty white cocktail attire, has just finished and everyone’s off to their respective friends or walking by the pool to keep the food down. Chanyeol is off somewhere with Lu Han, while Kyungsoo is making sure that the leftover food is packed properly by the kitchen staff.

“Who is this?” Jongin asks Joonmyun, gracefully sliding into one of the many empty seats beside Baekhyun. “Is this Baekhyun?”

“Nice to meet you again, Jongin,” Baekhyun says, shaking her head, laughter in her voice.

“Oh, you’re Byun Baekhyun,” Jongin says, recognition in his eyes. “You’re one of Chanyeol’s friends from school.”

“That’s right,” Baekhyun agrees with a chuckle.

“So how do you two know each other?” Jongin asks interestedly, glancing at Joonmyun then back at her.

“We met during the architectural seminar I attended in Incheon early last month,” Joonmyun shares. “They organized it.” He nods towards Baekhyun.

“You do events well. It’s been really wonderful, Baekhyun,” Jongin says, referring to the weeklong celebration. “I don’t think I can thank you enough. It’s made Chanyeol very happy.”

“We’re only in charge of the execution,” Baekhyun tells him humbly. “This was all your idea. But I’m glad that you guys are enjoying it.”

“The food is amazing,” Joonmyun agrees.

Baekhyun laughs, turning to him. “Is that why there’s a shrimp stain on your shirt?”

“Hey, you flicked that shrimp on me,” Joonmyun complains, frowning as he looks at the mess on his supposedly pristine outfit.

Jongin watches them in amusement for a bit before continuing on with the conversation. “It’s too bad that your husband isn’t here,” he says, ignoring the way Baekhyun stiffens. “Kris is Chanyeol’s best friend after all.”

“Yeah,” Baekhyun says, smiling a little. “His hours are impossible. He always gets called in to the hospital, even during the wee hours of the morning.”

“That’s too bad,” Jongin shrugs. He gives Joonmyun, who avoids his eyes, a pointed look. “Well then,” he says warmly, moving to get up. “I’m glad you’re here and that you made our wedding unforgettable.”

When Jongin is gone, Baekhyun laughs to herself, shaking her head.

“What?” Joonmyun asks curiously.

“I am so amazed that, out of all people, you turn out to be Jongin’s best man,” Baekhyun voices out something that’s been on her mind since the day of the actual wedding. “I mean, I wasn’t expecting to see you again and-“ Her eyes widen when she realizes what she said and warily looks at Joonmyun.

“So you really weren’t planning on calling,” Joonmyun says, nodding slowly. “I see. And after I did that whole I like talking to you speech.” He shakes his head as if it is such a travesty. It ends up making Baekhyun laugh.

“You’re so silly.” She playfully pushes him.

“So this is nice, isn’t it?” he asks, looking at her with a small smile on his face. Something in his eyes makes Baekhyun feel warm right from her head to the tips of her toes. “Being friends?”

“It is,” she agrees, taking the table napkin from her lap and putting it on the table. “But, for now, I have to go back to work. I think Kyungsoo’s about to slap Zitao for messing up one of the flower arrangements.” She stands up.

“Listen,” Joonmyun suddenly says, standing up as well. “There are some things I’ve been meaning to buy in town. I was thinking I’d go tomorrow afternoon.” He pauses slightly. “Do you want to come with me?” he asks, glancing around. “I mean, we can’t stay in this resort for all of our stay here.”

“Sure,” Baekhyun agrees without even thinking twice about it. “I’ve been wanting to check out the bookstore we passed by in coming here.” She smiles at him.

Joonmyun smiles brightly. “See you out front at around four then?”

“Yeah, see you,” Baekhyun waves at him as she rushes towards Kyungsoo, whose hands are in fists, seemingly ready to attack Zitao.


Baekhyun has parked herself into one of the cozy couches in the quaint bookstore in one of the busier streets in the town of Jeju. After she and Joonmyun had reached town, they’d separated, Joonmyun telling her to go to the bookstore while he bought some stuff for himself. She’s been reading one of the poetry books she saw, finding it calming in the midst of the busy week that she’s having. It’s good that she has Lu Han and Kyungsoo by her side, as well as the rest of the team. If they weren’t around, she would have probably lost her mind already.

Turning a page, she chances upon sonnet 116.

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alternation finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove;
O no! It is an ever-fixed mark

She shuts the books and breathes deeply. Guilt seeps up in her at the words.

“Everything okay?” Joonmyun asks, arriving and taking a seat beside her. She merely smiles as he takes the book in her hand. “Poetry, huh?” He opens a random page, skims it for a bit before turning the page over, and begins reciting.

And you’re trying to choke down the feeling, and you’re trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you don’t even have a name for.*

There is something romantic about a man, especially a handsome one, saying poetry, no matter what the context. Baekhyun’s heart is pounding as he caresses the words, words that seem to ring true, with his tongue and she clenches her fists on her lap, forcing herself not to be affected. They’re friends. Friends.

When Joonmyun finishes, he looks up at Baekhyun. There’s a look in her eyes that’s a mix of exasperation and something that Joonmyun doesn’t want to name. He turns away and slowly closes the book, staring at the cover. He opens his mouth to say something, but Baekhyun beats him to speaking.

“I think I’m hungry,” she says. She takes the book from him and returns it to the shelf where she found it. “Come,” she invites him. “There’s this cute coffee shop across the street.”

Baekhyun grins at him as they walk out of the coffee shop. She hopes Joonmyun doesn’t notice her hands trembling.


“Where did you go?” Kyungsoo asks when Baekhyun enters the room she shares with Lu Han and Kyungsoo. She’s on her bed, rifling through some magazines.

“Town,” Baekhyun tells her, plopping down on her bed with her purchases. She doesn’t bother unpacking them, choosing to lie down instead. Her hair falls on her face and she brushes it away, heaving a long sigh.

“What’s wrong?” Kyungsoo asks, concern evident in her voice.

Baekhyun considers confiding in Kyungsoo, considers telling her about Joonmyun, about how they seem to click so easily, about what they’d talked about. But telling Kyungsoo would mean admitting, even to some small extent, that there are feelings she’s trying to fight. And admitting that would be wrong. Because they’re wrong.

“Nothing,” Baekhyun sighs. “Where’s Lu Han?”

“Out on the pool with Minseok,” Kyungsoo says. The smile in her voice makes Baekhyun sit up and look at her questioningly.

“What?” Baekhyun asks. Kyungsoo giggles. “Is there something going on?”

“I guess you wouldn’t notice since you’ve been hanging out with Joonmyun a lot,” Kyungsoo chuckles and Baekhyun cringes, “but they’ve been spending a lot of time with each other. I think they like each other.”

Baekhyun rolls her eyes. They’re not teenagers and the way Kyungsoo puts it makes it seem like they’re in middle school.

“I wonder if she’s already taken him to bed,” Baekhyun muses. They’re at that age where they aren’t unnecessarily chaste, but Lu Han’s not one to hold back on such things, especially when she’s very attracted to a guy.

“She hasn’t,” Kyungsoo answers surely. Baekhyun’s eyes widen as she looks at her. “Lu Han really likes him, I think, and she doesn’t want to mess it up by having sex.”

“That’s nice,” Baekhyun comments, smiling as she lies back down. They say that a person changes his or her player ways when they meet the game-changer. Minseok just might be that for Lu Han.

Kyungsoo is quiet for a second and Baekhyun just knows she’s going to say something. She closes her eyes when she does.

“Baek,” Kyungsoo starts, voice soft. “I know it’s none of my business and I’m not saying that there’s something going on, but you’ve been with Joonmyun the whole time we’ve been here and I just… you’ll be careful, won’t you?”

Baekhyun turns to her side to face Kyungsoo. “We’re both married, Soo,” she tells him with a soft, probably unconvincing smile on her face.

Kyungsoo nods. “I know,” she responds. And there’s a but there somewhere, a but that she’s never really talked about to Kyungsoo, but is very clear with how she never really talks about Kris. However, Kyungsoo isn’t really one to pry so she merely turns back to her magazines.

Kyungsoo’s concern bothers her. If, even at this point, she notices that something’s up, Baekhyun thinks that’s a cause for disquiet. She takes a deep breath and squeezes her eyes shut. It’s a good thing that they’re going home tomorrow. It would be good to have some distance between them.


Baekhyun comes home one evening, a couple of days after their Jeju event, to a fully prepared dinner. She drops her bags on the floor, placing her keys on the hook by the door, and pads to the dining table. There’s fried rice, Kimchi jiggae, Kimbap, pajeon, with two kinds of cut meat. The last time they’d had this grand of a dinner at home, since they never really had dinner together anymore anyway, was during their second anniversary. Kris had attempted to cook for them, which he miserably failed (the food ended up mostly on their clothes), and she had to take over.

Arms suddenly wrap around her waist, a face nuzzling her neck.

“Hi,” Kris whispers, pressing a light kiss to her cheek.

“Hi,” Baekhyun returns, laughing a little. “What’s this?”

“Just a little something,” he tells her, turning her around to face him. “What do you think?”

“It depends,” she teases. “Am I going to get poisoned after a bite?” He pouts, which is so unlike him, so she laughs and stands on tiptoe to kiss him. “I love it.”

Each kiss that Kris gives her these days leaves her breathless. It never fails to amaze her, but it’s a good kind of surprise. She really likes kissing and the way her husband kisses her these days throws her back to those days when each kiss made her skin tingle.

“So who made these?” she asks, pulling away with a grin on her face. “Really.”

“Chanyeol,” Kris admits. “Just figured it would be nice to have dinner together for a change.”

“That’s right,” she says, moving to take her seat as Kris takes the seat beside hers. “You don’t have to be at the hospital?”

“I have to go back after this,” he says, sounding apologetic.

Baekhyun reaches for his hand and squeezes it. “Thank you for coming home to have dinner with me,” she earnestly tells him.

He stands up and hovers over her, tilting her chin up so he can kiss her properly. “I figured I have to do something to make the fact that you come home to me worth it,” Kris whispers through her lips.

Such an answer makes Baekhyun’s brows furrow somewhat, but she shrugs it aside and smiles at her husband.


“Someone’s happy,” Lu Han comments with raised eyebrows as Baekhyun enters the office after ending her phone call with Kris.

“Kris just told me that we’re going out tonight,” Baekhyun shares excitedly. Kyungsoo looks at her enthusiasm and smiles. “He said he prepared something special for me.”

“He seems to have a lot of time for you these days,” Lu Han remarks.

“Leave it alone, Han,” Kyungsoo says, nudging Lu Han. She smiles at Baekhyun again. “That’s really nice, Baek.”

“I’m just saying,” Lu Han maintains. “It’s all very…” She wiggles her fingers and Baekhyun gets just what she means.

If there’s a word that Baekhyun can describe how Kris has been for the past few years of their marriage, it’s unavailable. And she means that in every sense of the word. He’s been physically, mentally, and emotionally absent. He became too busy, too involved with his profession as a doctor after they got married and Baekhyun barely got to see him, except in the rare occasions that he did come home early. But, even so, all they did was make love. Or rather, he had sex with her. So now that he’s around all the time, Baekhyun understands Lu Han’s cause for skepticism. She has her doubts, too, but she figures she should just enjoy this. Because this is infinitely better than those days when she felt fear even with just the presence of Kris’s shadow.

“We’re both trying to make things work,” Baekhyun pointedly looks at Lu Han, who merely rolls her eyes dismissively.

“No, you’ve been trying,” Lu Han interjects. “He’s trying to catch up. Seriously, Baek, he has to do more than make you dinner and take you to fancy places to make up for all those-“

“As long as he’s trying,” Kyungsoo interrupts. “That’s what’s important, right?”

Lu Han sighs and faces her desk. “You two are too hopeful for your own good,” she mutters.

“What about you and Minseok then?” Baekhyun asks, lowering her voice a bit in case Minseok was around somewhere.

Lu Han swivels around so fast that her hair flies around. “What are you talking about? Did he say something?” she asks in some sort of panic.

“Look at you all nervous over some boy,” Baekhyun laughs. “I don’t think I’ve seen you like this before.”

“Shut up.” Lu Han makes a face at her before muttering, “he’s not just some boy.”

Baekhyun laughs some more at the blush on Lu Han’s cheeks. It’s so interesting to see her fall head-over-heels for a boy when the last time that had happened was so long ago. She had gotten hurt and had vowed off romance and falling in love, especially marriage. It’s really nice to see how certain things change when you find that something special that everyone is searching for even if they don’t admit it.

When Baekhyun and Kris became a couple before their senior year in high school ended, she told herself that she had found that special person in her life, that the unknowing search was over, that she can finally rest easy and settle down. Of course Baekhyun didn’t know then if she and Kris would even end up together. But there was that feeling and she had hoped that they would.

Baekhyun’s brought out of her musings when the phone on her desk starts ringing.

“Byun Baekhyun speaking,” she answers professionally. “Who is this?”

“Baekhyun, hi.” Baekhyun unknowingly immediately smiles at the voice. “It’s Joonmyun. I’m not calling at a bad time, am I?”

“No, it’s fine,” Baekhyun tells him, turning her back on Lu Han and Kyungsoo, even though Lu Han is asking her who it is on the other line. “What’s up?”

“I have this favor,” Joonmyun slowly says and Baekhyun has to laugh because he sounds so tentative. “I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for coffee tonight. It’s for business, I promise,” he hurriedly adds.

“What’s the business?” Baekhyun asks, biting back her laughter. She doesn’t think Joonmyun would appreciate her laughing at his uneasiness. Although she understands why he is.

“We’re thinking of throwing a party for my mother’s 65th birthday and we just wanted to have a list of ideas that we could possibly do in case she did want a party instead of just traveling to Europe like she normally does,” Joonmyun explains in one breath. “So yeah, a meeting, with coffee, tonight.” He pauses and Baekhyun can hear the hesitation in his voice. “And, maybe, just to hang out?”

Baekhyun smiles, playing with the chord of the phone. She allows herself to admit the fact that she’s happy Joonmyun called her. Hearing his voice makes her feel happy and at ease. She thinks about their possible coffee meeting and can already imagine how fun it would be, how much they would laugh. But then she remembers that she’s going out with Kris that night. The guilt immediately makes her want to slap herself.

“I’m sorry, I can’t,” she says instead. “I have a prior engagement, but you can come to the office tomorrow or schedule an appointment that’s more convenient for you?” It’s best to keep things professional.

“Baekhyun,” he starts, a sigh on his lips. “I meant what I said during the wedding. But if you tell me that it’s not possible, that you really can’t be friends with me, I’ll leave you alone. But… but I really hope you won’t.”

Baekhyun shouldn’t have even thought about it because there should only be one answer to that. Still, thoughts of possible conversations with Joonmyun, things they could talk about, places that could hang out in, flashed in her mind, filling her with hope before shutting them down.

“I think… that’s best. I’m sorry,” she says and she really is. “I’ll schedule you an appointment with Lu Han or Kyungsoo if you want.”

Joonmyun is quiet on the other end. There are some sounds of shifting in the background. She imagines him running a hand through his hair and randomly shuffling through some papers. There’s a sudden bang and he curses under his breath and mutters a quick apology when he remembers that he’s still on the phone with her.

“I’m sorry,” she repeats in a whisper.

“It’s fine,” he says dismissively. “Listen, so I have to go. I’ll, uh, talk to you soon.” He pauses and there’s a moment where Baekhyun thinks he’s going to try to persuade her not to do this, but he doesn’t. Instead, he sighs, “Goodbye, Baekhyun.”

“Bye,” she doesn’t dare say his name.

Baekhyun puts the phone down.


It’s been 10 minutes. Baekhyun glances at the time on her phone. Actually, it’s been more than 10 minutes, more like 15, and they’re probably already late for the play. When Kris had told her to meet her at the Sejong Center, she already knew what it was he was taking her to. She had been wanting to see a musical for so long and she knows that Kris knew this because she had mentioned it to him a couple of times. It wasn’t so much that she wanted him to take her. She doesn’t even care if she saw it with her friends. All she wants is to be able to watch.

And now she’s here, but her husband isn’t. Baekhyun bites her lip and decides to call him, even though he hates being disturbed at the hospital.

“Baek,” Kris’s breathless voice comes through the line before she can even say hello, “I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it. I’ve been called for an emergency operation in Tokyo. I’m in the airport.”

“What-right now?” Baekhyun stammers.

“Right now,” he confirms. “I’m sorry I couldn’t call you earlier, but I was in a rush. I’m sorry I can’t make it. Are you at Sejong already?”

“Yeah,” she softly answers. “It’s fine,” she adds, shaking her head of irritated thoughts. “It’s an emergency. When will you be back?”

“In a couple of days or so,” he tells her. “Baek, I have to go. I’ll make it up to you.”

“Okay. I love-“ she starts, but Kris has already ended the call. She sighs as she puts her phone back into her clutch.

Facing the theatre, she wonders if she should even go and see it now that she’s all upset. There are many things she’s been patient with when it comes to Kris, things she really would rather not talk about, things that not even Lu Han knows. But, sometimes, it’s the smallest things that really tick her off, especially when she’s let the big things go. Taking a deep breath, she turns her back on the musical (she doesn’t even have tickets), on the supposed date, and thinks she can do other things with her evening.

She’s taking her phone out to text Lu Han and Kyungsoo about going out when a deep red Bugatti stops in front of her. The window is lowered and she sees someone leaning across the passenger seat to look at her.

“Joonmyun,” Baekhyun greets him in surprise.

“What are you doing here by yourself? Is everything okay?” Joonmyun asks. There is genuine concern on his face. Baekhyun remembers their conversation that morning and immediately feels embarrassed.

“I’m fine,” she assures him. “I was just…” She glances around. Baekhyun isn’t really sure what’s she’s about to do. “I’m fine,” she repeats with a small smile. “I’m probably just going to go home anyway.”

Joonmyun gets out of the car and moves around it to stand beside her. “I’m not going to leave you here by yourself,” and the way he says it sounds non-negotiable. “I’ll take you home.” He opens the passenger door for her and Baekhyun stares at the open door.

It’s a decision and she knows it. Getting into the car would, in one way or another, mean that she’s taking back what she’s said earlier. But she is by herself and she does need to get home since Zitao had just dropped her off.

She gets in.

Joonmyun slips back into the driver’s seat and starts driving off. They’re quiet in that way that speaks that maybe they’re right back where they started, even though they’re not even really friends in the first place.

“What were you doing back there?” Joonmyun breaks the silence.

“I was supposed to watch the musical but I changed my mind,” Baekhyun quietly answers, not elaborating on the details. Joonmyun seems to know anyway with the way he hums in response.

The drive turns quiet and Baekhyun settles back into her seat, making herself comfortable. It’s a nice night to be out. Too bad she’s going home. She’s just started thinking about doing some work when she gets home, listing down all the things she needed to do for their next event when Joonmyun speaks again.

He gets her attention and points to one of the buildings on the right. “That’s the first building I helped design,” he shares unceremoniously. She straightens on her seat to look at it interestedly. “I had just gotten out of university and had been recruited straight after graduation. That was the project they assigned me to.”

“That’s amazing,” she breathes, tilting her head, trying to look all the way to the top. She turns to him and smiles for the first time. “How did it feel, when it was finished?”

He laughs. “Really, really good,” Joonmyun divulges. “That project was unforgettable. It made me learn more that not everything was up to me, that I couldn’t do all the work with my own hands. I had to step back sometimes and let other people do the jobs they were assigned for. I couldn’t control all of it.”

“Wasn’t it frustrating?” Baekhyun asks.

“It was,” he chuckles when she laughs. “I’d always thought that the architect had the best say in everything. I learned the hard way that that wasn’t how things work.”

“Yeah, it’s hard having someone else tell you what to do,” she tells him, looking out of the window once more.

It’s not long before they fall into another silence, more comfortable this time, before Joonmyun is talking again.

“You look beautiful, by the way,” Joonmyun says it so suddenly, but so sincerely that Baekhyun is almost blown away by the simple compliment.

“I try,” Baekhyun tries to pass off the compliment as something like a joke.

“You don’t really have to,” he insists.

“Joonmyun,” she mutters, an unwilling blush spreading to her cheeks.

“Sorry,” he immediately states. “I’m sorry. I know I’m not supposed to-“

“Hey,” she interrupts him. “Are you hungry?” He gapes at her and she almost laughs because that is probably the last thing that he expected her to say. “Do you want to grab a bite before you drop me off?”

It takes a while for Joonmyun to recover, but when he does, he smiles the brightest smile. “I know just the place,” he says.


“Where are you off to?” Lu Han asks suspiciously when Baekhyun starts packing her stuff right when 5 o’clock starts. She’s been leaving right on the dot everyday for the past two weeks.

“Just out,” Baekhyun vaguely answers. “One of my sister’s friends is in town and I’m showing her around.”

“Oh, who?” Kyungsoo pipes in, looking up interestedly. She’s pretty close to Baekhyun’s sister since her older brother, Ryeowook, is a friend of Taeyeon’s, too.

“Some friend back from Canada or something,” Baekhyun says, standing up.

“You’ve been out almost everyday,” Lu Han says, turning her seat around to get a full look at Baekhyun. “Kris doesn’t mind?”

“Kris doesn’t notice,” Baekhyun rolls her eyes. “He’s still in Japan. Apparently, they asked him to stay longer to help out with more things over there.” She slings her bag over her shoulder when she feels her phone vibrating in her pocket. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” She waves and is out of there in a few seconds.

Once she gets down to the lobby and out of the building, she spots a dark blue BMW a little farther away and walks towards it.

“Hi,” she greets the driver when she gets in. “Where are we off to today?”

“Hey,” Joonmyun greets her back happily. “You’ll see.”

Joonmyun takes her to Incheon, to the penthouse of one of the new high-rises on the city’s outskirts. It has a breathtaking view of the sea and Baekhyun presses her hands on the floor-to-ceiling glass window.

“This is beautiful,” Baekhyun tells him, turning around to see him standing in the middle of the empty room, smiling fondly at her. “Please tell me you’re getting this place. It would be such a waste if you don’t buy it.”

“It’s mine,” Joonmyun says, chuckling. “I paid for it a month ago.” He walks towards the window to stand beside her. “I was actually thinking of furnishing it already. I’m mostly in Incheon anyway for business so I figured I’d get a place instead of staying in a hotel all the time.”

“Very practical,” she excitedly agrees, clapping her hands. “It’s such a beautiful place, Joonmyun. The view is amazing.”

They move from room to room until they reach the living room, which is just an empty space, just like all the other rooms. She spreads her arms wide and twirls around.

“What are you doing?” Joonmyun laughs amusedly.

“I don’t know,” she laughs with him, stopping. All Baekhyun can think of at that moment is how free and happy she feels, like nothing can go wrong, like nothing is wrong.

“Do you want me to help furnish the place?” he asks. “I’d be really bad at it and I don’t want this place to go to waste.” He wiggles his eyebrows up and down at her.

In hindsight, Baekhyun should have said no. Because there are many things that are wrong, and could go wrong, with a married man asking a married woman, who is not even an interior designer, for help in furnishing a place that’s nineteen miles away from Seoul, away from their homes.

But she shoves these thoughts out of her and nods excitedly. “I’d love to,” she agrees.


pairing: baekhyun/suho, rated: nc-17, genre: angst, genre: romance, title: p, pairing: subaek, character: baekhyun, author: a, character: suho

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