Drabbles [Baekhyun/Suho]

May 26, 2013 00:04

Drabbles - Baekhyun/Suho
Fluff, Romance


Junmyeon believes he knows the EXO members pretty well. He’s been around the longest and has, therefore, seen them all arrive and have watched them grow. He’s been a witness to Kyungsoo’s cooking marathons, Jongin’s whining about his back and Sehun’s complaints about, well, everything. He’s even gotten used to Chanyeol’s incessant smiling and laughing. He knows how to calm them all down and get them to listen and feel better.

What he’s wondering is how all those things don’t seem to apply to Baekhyun.

Sure Baekhyun has only trained for a year, only being with them for two years. But that didn’t mean that Baekhyun doesn’t fit in already. Junmyeon can see how everyone’s become comfortable around him.

Kris never leaves Baekhyun’s side when the whole group is traveling together and never leaves South Korea without calling him first. Jongin has a certain fondness for Baekhyun that is evident with the way he looks at him, like he’s the only person he sees. Sehun definitely likes hanging out with him. So does Jongdae and Yixing and Tao and… Well he can go on and on about this, but the point is everyone likes Baekhyun. Junmyeon does too. But, for some reason, he just can’t figure him out.

Because whenever he tries to get close, Baekhyun just seems to pull away.

So when Junmyeon sees Baekhyun sitting by himself, sad, in one corner of the room while Jongin is doing his shoot for ivy club, he doesn’t quite know what to do.

He quietly sits beside him, carefully constructing they things he wants to tell him in his head. He’s about to go and ask what’s wrong since that seems to be the most sensible opening when Baekhyun suddenly speaks.

“Hyung, do you have a favorite dongsaeng among us?” Baekhyun turns to him expectantly after slinging that curve ball right at his face.

“What?” Junmyeon coughs.

“A favorite,” Baekhyun repeats. “Someone you give more favor to, someone you like better than the others. Do you?”

“BAEK, I’m leader. I’m not supposed to have a favorite,” Junmyeon tells him with a small smile. He knows it’s a ms. Universe answer because Baekhyun looks at him like he’s just screamed bullshit.

“Kris hyung has a favorite,” Baekhyun scoffs.

And Junmyeon tries not to frown because, oh that’s what this is about. Of course. It’s not that he’s jealous of kris. He isn’t. It’s just that everyone seems to naturally gravitate towards him. Even Baekhyun.

“Well, uh, does that bother you?” Junmyeon steadily asks.

“Not really, no,” Baekhyun sighs.

They’re quiet for a moment. Baekhyun stares off into space and Junmyeon just watches him because it’s all he can do. Baekhyun never lets him in.

“Do you have a member you like the least then?” Baekhyun suddenly asks, a small smirk on his face, one that Junmyeon has wanted to wipe off countless of times with a kiss, maybe.

Junmyeon chuckles. “Of course not,” he honestly assures him. There may be hearsay that he harbors some hate in his heart for the newer members, but none of those are true. They’ve all become really dear to him with all the time they’ve spent training together.

“Liar,” Baekhyun mumbles.

It takes Junmyeon a second to process this until Baekhyun is getting up to leave. But he grabs his wrist and pulls him back down.

“I really don’t like anyone the least,” Junmyeon insists, hand still around his wrist. He searches Baekhyun’s face. “What is this really about,BAEK?”

As Baekhyun squirms under his gaze, trying to free his wrist from his grasp, Junmyeon’s eyes widen at a sudden realization.

“You don’t think,” Junmyeon gasps. “That I…you…BAEK-”

“Of course not,” Baekhyun blurts out after successfully freeing himself from Junmyeon’s grip. “Don’t be silly. I don’t care about that.”

Baekhyun stands up and dusts his pants. “It wouldn’t hurt if you were less cold, though,” he mutters. “I mean not with me,” he hastily adds. “I meant in general. Just…it would be nice.”

Junmyeon gapes at him because cold is the last adjective anyone would associate with him. But then, he realizes how he had been staying away from Baekhyun because he thought the younger male didnt want to have anything to do with him.

“Okay,” Junmyeon agrees just as Baekhyun turns to leave. “I’ll be less cold if…if you will, too.” He watches as Baekhyun stiffens. “In general, I mean.”

There is a beat or two before Baekhyun looks at him. He has a shy smile on his face and Junmyeon has that urge to kiss him again.

“Okay,” Baekhyun  whispers.

“Okay,” he whispers back.

And as Baekhyun walks back to the set to start bugging Chanyeol and Jongin, his heart soars in his chest because Baekhyun looks up to smile at him, a smile that holds a promise of things anew.

Drabbles 2 to 4 are part of one universe.
Universe started by danger kitty at Tumblr here.


Sometimes, a lot of the time, Baekhyun thinks that Joonmyun is too good for him. Too good, too perfect. Joonmyun wakes him up for work, makes him breakfast and makes sure that he has his sweater for the day washed and pressed. He even cleans the apartment, takes care of him when he’s sick and tucks him to bed, never complaining, even when Baekhyun slacks off. What could he have done to deserve this perfect person in his life?

There is an answer to that question, but one that Baekhyun never wants to really say because he knows it’s right and he knows that it could be the very reason why Joonmyun could leave him someday. So he shuts up and tries to do his part.

Sometimes, though, when he sees Joonmyun being friendly with Chanyeol the insecurity gets too much and he starts pushing Joonmyun’s buttons. (The scary thing about being in love with someone you’ve known for quite some time is the fact that you know all the right buttons to push.)

He screams and nags about something stupid, but Joonmyun just stands in the doorway of the kitchen, looking at Baekhyun, calm and perfect as ever.

“Aren’t you going to say something?” Baekhyun snaps.

“Is this about Chanyeol?” Joonmyun calmly responds. “Because you know that I don’t-”

“Do you honestly think that befriending him is going to get you the promotion that you want?” Baekhyun continues, even though he knows he shouldn’t. He’s sure that Joonmyun is just himself, friendly, nice and welcoming. He’s also sure that Joonmyun will get that promotion, without the help of the CEO’s son.

“Why are you doing this?” Joonmyun asks after a deep breath and Baekhyun just wants to throw a bigger tantrum because Joonmyun isn’t going to get mad again. He never gets mad at Baekhyun. For anything. And Baekhyun hates it.

“I just don’t want you pushing yourself towards people who may not even really want you,” Baekhyun practically yells. “Stop forcing them to like you back because what if they don’t really like you and hate you and just think that you don’t deserve to be in the same league as them? What will you do then? Where will you be?”

In the middle of his tirade, Joonmyun has managed to cross the kitchen and wraps his arms around him. Baekhyun struggles to get free, but Joonmyun’s hold on him is tight, unyielding.

“No one is forcing anyone to anyone,” Joonmyun tells him softly, eyes closed, his lips gentle on Baekhyun’s forehead. “And I really want you and really like you and you definitely are in the same league as I am.”

Baekhyun is still trying to push him off. “What are you talking about? I wasn’t even referring to-”

“I love you, Baekhyun,” Joonmyun pulls away and looks into Baekhyun’s tear-filled eyes. “What ever you might think, I am yours. Nothing is going to change that.”


“This is so romantic,” Baekhyun sighs dreamily.

“What is?” Joonmyun looks up from his morning paper, sipping his coffee.

“This,” Baekhyun gestures to the newspaper feature he’s been reading. “It’s about a couple in a long distance relationship for thee years-three!-and they’ve been writing letters to each other. Like real, actual letters, snail mail. Not email or Skype. And now the guy’s back home and they’re getting married.” He gives another wistful sigh. “It’s just so sweet. Who even writes letters in this day and age?” He shakes his head as he flips to the next page. “Letter writing is such a lost art. And it’s too bad too because I think it’s just the most romantic thing ever.”

“Have you written me any letters?” Joonmyun teasingly asks.

Baekhyun stares intently at the open page in front of him, hoping that his blushing cheeks won’t give him away. Joonmyun, laughing, gets up from his seat to slide behind Baekhyun’s and wrap his arms around him.

“My very own hopeless romantic Joonmyun whispers to his ear just before he kisses his cheek. Baekhyun squirms in his seat, but more in pleasure than embarrassment. “You’re going to be late,” he then reminds him.

Baekhyun glances up at the clock and folds the paper back. “I hate that you’re coming in later today.” He pouts in Joonmyun’s general direction, but really he’s just pouting at his boyfriend.

Joonmyun takes Baekhyun’s cheeks in his hands and kisses him. “I will come in late and then we’re going home together. I can even get a rosé for you as I wait or something, he wiggles his eyebrows up and down.

“Ugh you’re insufferable,” Baekhyun mutters, cheeks pinking again. Joonmyun just loves to tease him about his love for romance.

“But you love me,” Joonmyun states this with a confidence that warms Baekhyun’s heart because he does. He really, really does.

“I do,” Baekhyun rolls his eyes. He plants another kiss on his lips before turning around to get his coat and bag. “I’ll see you at work.”

Later that evening, when they get home and Joonmyun is in the kitchen preparing them dinner, Baekhyun finds a sealed envelope. Inside of which is a letter that Joonmyun had written for him that morning.

From the kitchen, Joonmyun smiles as he prepares their food. He can just imagine Baekhyun sitting on the edge of their bed, blushing and beaming as he reads Joonmyun’s careful strokes of the words he’d dedicated to him.

(He doesn’t tell Baekhyun about the countless other letters he’s written for him, some dating back to when Joonmyun thought Baekhyun would never see him as more than a friend.)


It’s Joonmyun’s birthday. It’s Joonmyun’s birthday and Baekhyun has work and not enough time to bake the cake that he was so excited to make for him. He’s found this cute figurine of a guy wearing glasses that looks like Joonmyun. Baekhyun wants to stick it on the middle of the cake, along with the strawberries and marshmallows that he’ll put.

But he still has an hour to go before he can leave. And approximately three hours until Joonmyun gets back from his meeting-slash-drinks with some clients.

He watches the clock like a hawk and is out the door as soon as the big hand moves to 12. He barely says goodbye to Sehun, who merely watches him trip all over himself boredly.

He reaches home and there’s the oven to pre-heat and the flour to knead and the fruits to unfreeze. He’s not sure where to start but decides to go with the flour because he doesn’t have a lot of time.

This is Joonmyun’s first birthday with them as a couple as Baekhyun want to do something different, something more personal, more homey, and maybe more romantic. Joonmyun had taken them on a weekend getaway for his birthday, just days ago. It was one of the best vacations he’s had because, well, Joonmyun was there.

But now it’s his turn and Baekhyun is panicking because oh my god why isn’t the flour rising! It’s almost seven and Joonmyun is bound to walk in any minute now!

Sure enough, he hears the door opening just a minute later and Baekhyun is panicking because the kitchen is a mess and he’s a mess and HE NEEDS TO HIDE HIS FAILURE OF A CAKE!


Baekhyun freezes and slowly turns around. Joonmyun takes in the mess and takes in how Baekhyun is covered in flour.

“This isn’t what it looks like,” Baekhyun starts to say.

Joonmyun takes four steps towards him. His thumb gently grazes Baekhyun’s cheek, scraping the flour there. “I think this is exactly what it looks like,” he says on the contrary.

Baekhyun’s mouth hangs open when Joonmyun brings his thumb with all the flour from his cheek to his mouth. He sucks it so deliciously that Baekhyun can’t help but gulp. He wants a taste too.

“Are you my present?” Joonmyun whispers, wrapping his arms around his waist, their lips brushing each other’s.

Baekhyun just nods and lets Joonmyun kiss him. He can just explain the cake and the mess later. This is more important. He can’t deny the birthday boy’s wish.

pairing: baekhyun/suho, rated: pg-13, pairing: baekho, genre: fluff, genre: romance, pairing: subaek, character: baekhyun, author: a, character: suho

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