Eurovision song contest sucked!!!!

May 13, 2007 14:56

What a drag. I thougt Sweden and Finland were the only worthy winners but nooo some lesbian fightballad from Serbia wins. WTF was that all about? They were having a fucking lesbian orgie on stage!! I cant belive it. I am no ESC fan at all but I watched it yesterday because me and my sister had nothing else to do and it was such a dissapointment. The only countries Sweden got points from were Finland, Denmark, Norway- 'YAY!!' And that Serbian lesbian singer really had the lesbian look- the haircut, anly clothes and then she was ugly and surrounded by other sexy serbians (dunno if they were lesbian too but probably) touching eachother and stuff. Freaky. No offence to lesbians but they were not worth winning. Well thats all from me, have a nice day.=)
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