I need some Channing love!!

May 12, 2007 00:01

Okey so I have a new little crush and his name is Channing Tatum. He is so HOT. Plus he is an awesome dancer and who doesnt love a guy who can dance. Come on its so sexy. I just love his movie Step Up. Its really good. If you havent seen it, see it!! Gaah! I was supposed to watch it this boring friday night but then my mom made me watch this other movie Chocolate (ok it was good). And she said 'Victoria you always watch movies until you know every line everyone says, its not healthy! Dont you have homework to do?' Ick!! Well I watched the chocolate movie with her and then it was too late for me to see Step Up. I'll just fall asleep. I'm going to bed now but first I just have to post a few pictures of hottie Channing. Enjoy!!

Man look at this lift!!

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