(no subject)

Jan 10, 2008 00:37

I feel out.
I feel unwell sometimes about where and what I am doing in my life and want to be more outgoing.
I feel like I am doing something wrong.
I feel tired of arguing and competing.
I feel like a bum. immature. and ugly.

I feel nervous about the future.
I need more sleep.

I feel like kind of coming back inside myself sometimes.
I feel well about the sky I saw today.

I felt bad about these black tar strips I saw covering freeway cement walls that were covering up nature. a mixture of oil, water and human convenience. we treat our recreation with about as much respect as we treat creation. which is probably about as much respect as I pay myself.

I am a hypocrite.

I feel better. evacuate.

we know a place where no planes go.
we know a place where no ships go.
hey! no cars go.
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