Apr 22, 2004 19:22
Today has gone very well. I found out during my lunch break that the housing office tried to reach me at the shop saying that they wanted to offer me a house. Woo woo! I promptly called them back and then got a ride over to their office to talk things over. She offered me a two story, three bedroom house with a newly renovated kitchen. I won't be able to move in until 10 May at the latest.....which is great since that's the day after Angela and I get back from Atlanta. I tried to call the guy still living in the house (since he won't be out till the 30th) to get a tour, but the number listed for him doesn't work. Oh well, I'm still going to accept the offer. I told Angela the news shortly after I found out, and she was equally pleased. I was so worried that we weren't going to have a steady place to live once she got here. Now I can buy a bike instead of having to buy another car.
This means I will have permanet (see how I did that?) soon after we get settled into the house.
This has been your KATER bulletin. Eat snacky smores.
On top of the previous good news, Rupert dodged the bullet again and Alicia got voted off the island instead. Since Lex got voted off, Rupert is my only hope for Survivor: All Star redemption.
One more day of training before the weeeeeeeeeeekeennnnnnnnnnnnnd! Other than the possibility that I might attend a pampered chef event to get fed, the schedule is open. I'll have to see what I can scrounge up to do for entertainment. It will more than likely involve Seth in some capacity......that....plus crap!