Aug 28, 2012 20:29
Since D broke the CPO, they issued a warrant out for his arrest. I believed he turned himself in. Today was a pre-trial court appearance. The hearing started at 9am on the 15th floor. I was on the 17th floor so I didn't have to see him at all. I was extremely greatful for this. I waited and waited and waited. The prosecutor told D he should plead guilty take 90 days in jail and 90 days probation. D didnt' take it, I saw this happening. Instead he got a public defender and the case got a continuance until Septermber 26 at 9:30 am. Now in a month I go back and do this whole thing over again. This time I shall remember to bring along my knitting so I don't sit in a room bored.
I have $16 to my name and wondering if everything I'm doing is worth it? I know it is, but at times like this I wonder how I'm going to make it at all. No money, no food and jack squat on a job.
I'll just keep thinking of positive thoughts