Oct 11, 2008 16:55
...its nice that the cyber lounge here has computers for the residents to use. seeing as i can't really tolerated much time on my mom's laptop as it is really slow and frustrating...
some news that has recently broke my heart is that the very witty and talented Gidget Gein was found dead a few days ago...and this has made me very sad, as the last couple of years i had become pretty close with him via emails, snail mail, and phone calls.. =( seems drugs take some of the most special people in this world...and its upsetting.. however, i know he has he share of problems with drugs, i hope that somehow he has some peace.. his friendship will be missed...
things have been going pretty ok i suppose. i have been spending alot of time being crafty and creative. it keeps me sane. however... my sleeping pattern is fried! and no matter how hard i try to make it feel right..it doesnt... ah well.. as long as i feel good, that is all that matters!
something that makes me really happy is that the new Season of Dexter and Californication started a few weeks ago! Ive been waiting soo long for Dexter! a year! rawrrr! finally! and i am enjoying both of the shows thus far! .. =D
and.. i never do these things, but..nicole has tagged me..soo, here goes:
01. What is essential for your happiness?
i need things to create with!
02. What clothes are you wearing at the moment?
jeans, pastel pink tee, and warm fleece hoodie
03. What games did you recently finish?
vaults of alantis slots! via pogo.com
04. What is your favorite scent?
pumpkin pie anything, pink sugar, escada perfumes, shi by alfred sung, and and and cherry blossom lotion!
05. What books are you reading at the moment?
silence of the lambs, are you a highly sensitive person?, fetish
06. What do you drink the most?
lately, snapple fruit punch and homemade smoothies
07. Do you trust easily?
08. Who was your first big crush?
a boy in highschool, paul..he had pink cheeks and i was batty over him
09. What did you want to be when you grew up?
wow.... a few things.. a photographer, cafe/bakery owner, doll shop, etc etc.. im still not grown up! i have time!
10. Do you have a good body-image?
11. Do you have an LJ crush?
years ago....but its been crushed
12. What websites do you visit daily?
swap-bot.com, flickr.com, sugarblocks.etsy.com, gmail.com, and pogo.com
13. Random pet peeve?
arghhh! don't get me started
14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
heheh... she is a nicole.. lover of horror, and lots of amazing things! i love herrrrrrrrrrr!
15. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
ready for this?!?! zz top - legs! muwahahahhaa
16. What's your favorite item of clothing?
my wonderful collection of undergarments
17. What's better: to give or to receive?
both... =)
18. What's the book you've read most times?
the trio of griffin and sabine books by nick bantock
19. Is there anything you want so bad right now?
lots of things, but only i can make them happen, right?
20. What should you be doing right now?
working on stufff! =P
21. Whats the meaning behind your LJ username/name/nicknames you go by?
its from the song passenger by the deftones (one of my most favorite songs) >> Roll the window down
This cool night air is curious
Let the whole world look in
Who cares who sees anything?
Im your passenger