Title: Along for the Ride
Pairing: 2min, side!Jongkey
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Slight (if any) Smut
Rating: M for language and possible smut
Warning: Bring tissues, you might cry. Feel free to leave those tears in my comment box.
He woke to the morning sun, chirping birds, and a ringing cell phone. )
"I want him to have someone not broken. He needs someone perfect. Someone whole.”
"Taemin bit his lip, a cold trail of tears being replaced by a fresh warm one as he nodded to his hyung. He held his pill bottle in his shaking hand as Kibum pulled him back in for another hug."
.....I am now a sobbing mess at the end of this chapter. But I love this fic soooo much and you for writing this I never want it to end.
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