Since scanning takes so freaking long, here's another tiny snippet. Again, pretty much first draft, I'm not taking the time to go back and read it, it's likely horrible and not scary at all...
The night was cold enough to make Sarah shiver under her woolen coat. She should have grabbed a hat this morning.
Wrapping the coat tighter around her she cursed and picked up her pace through the park. Normally she would have loved to walk through the little park near her apartment, but normal included sunlight and temperatures that hovered around the seventies. And a damned hat.
"Flutterby," came a staccato voice from behind her, making Sarah trip as she abruptly stopped. Each syllable had been pronounced in a quiet, whispery voice like someone had watched too many horror movies and figured that would be the best way to scare someone. Taking in a deep breath Sarah dropped her hand into her pocket and tried to finger the little cylinder of mace into the correct position. It wouldn't do to spray herself in the face when the time came.
"Look bud, I'm not," Sarah lost the rest of her words as she turned around. Instead of the thug she expected she found herself face to face with a little boy. One far too young to be out that late at night.
His eyes were completely hidden beneath his pale bangs and he had on shorts and a t-shirt instead of the coat he should have. No wonder his skinny arms were so pale, he'd probably freeze them off soon. His hands were filled with a butterfly which was very much alive, beating back and forth in an effort to free itself from his grip.
"Oh. Uh, hi." For a moment Sarah didn't know what to do, but then she went down on one knee and tried to get the boy's attention which was focused on the trapped butterfly. "Are you lost? What are you doing out here?"
For a moment the boy didn't answer her and stared at the thrashing creature in his hands. But then he looked up at her and at the same time he pulled the butterfly apart in one smooth movement.
"Flutterby!" he cried blissfully while Sarah froze. Those teeth...
Some internal voice told her to run and to run now. And even though she was running from a six year old the request didn't seem all that absurd. Straightening slowly so as not to attract his grinning attention any more than she had to, Sarah backed away slowly as she had been taught to do to snakes as a child and then when she couldn't take it anymore, turned and bolted.
Two more pale haired children stood on the sidewalk in front of her. One was a girl, by her long hair and dress and the other one held a ball in his hands that he stared at as intently as the other one had stared at the butterfly.
Sarah's fingers felt numb as she pulled the mace from her pocket, the internal voice screaming loudly enough to drown out all else.
The red rubber ball slammed into her shoulder with enough force to knock her off of her feet, the mace falling out of her hand.