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How about a brief introduction for yourself?
My real name is Liana, but I go by Airenko to keep away real life people who would be absolutely mortified to see what goes on in my mind. Also, I have a tendency to over-use: ♥. I just love hearts!
Fabulous! And what got you into fanfiction to begin with?
I can't really remember what series it was exactly. It was either The Outsiders, Chrono Cross, or Yu Yu Hakusho. I got into YYH the same time we were reading The Outsiders back in eighth grade but I think I wrote a horrible fanfic for CC before that. But anyways, one of those series made me interested in fanfiction.
I see, so what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?
I really enjoy writing slash. I find the idea of two guys together very sexy and it's as simple as that. Don't get me wrong, I love het and femslash also...just not as much. Additionally, I like writing things that are taboo and attempting to write smut even though I feel all awkward doing so...which is why I have only completed one story with smut.
Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?
I find it very hard. There are times when inspiration hits and I can type up a whole story in one sitting but those moments are few. Most of the time I just sit there, re-reading what I've already written and trying to force myself to continue. The most difficult things for me are motivation and characterization/dialogue. I don't have the motivation to do multi-chaptered stories or continue with ones started and for some reason I can never grasp a character completely. Actually, I'm very envious of people who can read a character inside and out because it really shows in their work - how they write the character is dynamic and I feel mine are so one-dimensional.
Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character.
He always loved beautiful things. From flowers and butterflies to battles that got the adrenline rushing in mere seconds - he loved it all. So how did he ever love Ikkaku who was so not beautiful by "normal" standards?
IkkaYumi is my weakness. ♥
Are there any fanfiction clichés or trends you’re sick of or just can’t stand?
I am tired of seeing people putting characters into classic works. To be more specific: Romeo & Juliet. It's cool to get inspiration from literature and novels, but R&J has been overused. Also, high school A/Us. There could be the most amazing fanfic out there that is high school-centric, but I will not read it just because of that. :/
Are you guilty of any fanfiction clichés you hate? Or any other ones?
Most likely.
What was the first fandom you wrote for, and do you still like/participate in it?
Chrono Cross - it was awful and I try not to think about it anymore. XD Once in a while I read some, but I don't write for it anymore.
Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them that you love to write.
Muguruma Kensei/Hisagi Shuuhei - This is the newest OTP of mine. Kensei was Shuuhei's inspiration for his 69 in they both have 69's tattooed on their body. How fucking amazing and sexy is that? There is so much potential in this pairing. Speaking of which, I'm in the process of writing a one-shot with a sex scene between them - I'm just lacking in the motivation to finish it.
Aburame Shino/Inuzuka Kiba - They were my first OTP and still one of them. There is just something so adorable about these two together. Shino is all quite and composed while Kiba is loud and rambunctious. It's the classic "opposites attract" pairing and I like to think of it as SasuNaru with lesser known characters. XD
Madarame Ikakku/Ayasegawa Yumichika - Is there even a need to explain this one? They may as well be canon. Why do I love them? What's not to love about a bald guy and a narcissist? Exactly. (There sure were a lot of questions here!)
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner - Another one that is practically canon. They are just perfect together in every way yet Heero/Duo is more popular. Sad times. (I love this pairing, but haven't really written anything.)
Hiitachin Hikaru/Hiitachin Kaoru - Their chemistry is amazing and I love twincest.
Mello/Matt - Anyone who would stick around with Mello is getting something more than money, if you know what I mean. ;) (I haven't actually written anything for them, either.)
Any male Bully character/Any male Bully character - If you have never played this game, I suggest you do. The slash is canon! And, you can kiss boys.
There are so many more, but that would take forever.
What would you call your writing “style”?
Amateurish since, as mentioned before, I have a problem with characterization.
Do you read other people’s fanfic? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?
Yeppers, I love to read fanfiction. I mostly read whatever fandom I'm obsessing over at the time; currently that's Bleach. I get moments where I am really into one series for a while, then move onto another. But then something will spark my love for a series again and the cycle continues. I'll read just about anything and any pairing. And if someone is a really good author, they'll get me into pairings I never was that into. Like
ratherbe4gotten and
stark_black made me love Shuuhei/Renji.
Name one thing you’d LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.
I'd love to write something very kinky. There's no doubt that I will someday - just not now 'cause I feel too awkward.
Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
I love criticism as long as it's helpful and not just a flame. Constructive criticism is aboslutely necessary for an author to expand and improve their writing. If you were the worst writer in the world and only received positive feedback, you wouldn't know that you could be so much better. Sometimes I feel a little down getting criticism, but I know it'll be beneficial in the long run. Do I get an ego sometimes? Sorta. Not like, "I'm the best writer EVA!" kind - just I feel good when I get nice feedback.
When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? Quiet room?
For some reason, it really helps for me to write after midnight. I don't know why, but I feel the most productive then. Also, music helps.
What inspires you?
Many things. Something that happens in the canon, songs, wanting to explore characters...anything.
Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?
I have 'met' so many awesome and encouraging people through fanfiction. There has, and always will be, a few assholes; however, the great people make up for it. ♥ As a writer, I believe that it has seriously improved my over-all writing.
Tag some friends because they’ll hate you for it.
If you want to do this, do it. ♥
1. Which is your favorite fic?
Sunset Pranks because I think it's rather cute and pretty IC.
2. Which is your best-received fic?
According to, the one with the most reviews & favorites is
Love Style. I guess people love their Hitachiincest. Which reminds me, I need to edit and post it here.
3. Which is your worst-received fic?
Attack. I'm surprised because I personally think it's some of my best writing, but I guess it is a bit boring and the pairing is strange.
4. Which is your angsty-est fic?
Gone or
Never and Always. Seriously, writing both of them made even me a little depressed.
5. Which is your funniest fic?
Nets 'n Bones. It's a series of humorous, or trying to be, one-shots revolving around Shino and Kiba.
6. Smuttiest?
Considering I've only wrote one story with smut, it's
Even in Death. Kadaj and Yazoo from FF7: AC getting it on, what's sexier than that? XD
7. Fluffiest?
Ryuusei. It's a fluff-fest between Shino and Kiba.
8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?
Yeah, with Gone and Never and Always.
9. Which fic frustrates you the most?
For some reason,
Rebuilding What's Shattered does. There's just something about it that kind of annoys me that I can't quite place. It seems a bit rushed and too...ugh.
10. Which fic was the most fun to write?
Probably Sunset Pranks or
Wrath of Valentines Lead to Love. The second because it was sorta silly IkkaYumi, though it needs to be editted and such. And I was just reminded I was inspired by a Renji/Shuuhei fic to write that! XD
11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?
Ayasegawa Ayame, Yumichika's mother in
The Kingdom's Secret. I don't know why I like her, I just do.
12. Are you better at oneshot or mulitpart?
Oh gee, definitely one-shots. I cannot write a multi-chaptered story to save my life. Example, The Kingdom's Secret. I started that over a year ago and haven't felt like updating it. I need to, though - I really like the story. Also, I attempted an epic Death Note fic but failed miserably.
13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?
Probably Aburuame Shino. For some reason, I feel like I've grasped his character fairly well.
14. What character is the most difficult to portray?
Hmmm...Shuuhei. In the three pieces I have him in, it's difficult to write him. Same with Kira, Kensei, and a lot. I'm repeating myself, but characterization is hard for me. :/