Simply Recipes is my favorite general recipes blog on the web. Elise has a HUGE archive of recipes. Each entry has at least one photo to accompany it. Last night, I made her
Pasta with Tuna and Tomato Sauce. There's no chopping required! Plus it calls for fresh basil, which I have a lot of on the balcony. It was quite nice to spend a more relaxing evening making dinner, instead of standing over the cutting board chopping onions, herbs, zucchini, etc. While the canned tomatoes simmered in butter, I poured myself a small glass of Trader Joes' Rosé and watched season 4, episode 3 of Supernatural.
Supernatural is a Mary show in our house. Jeff is not into it. At all. I try to watch it when he's at work, using the family Netfli account. And WOAH how it has moved along! I'm curious to see how they end this season. The previous 3 finales have been climatic. No rest for the Winchesters Boys.