My friend K is hosting a 4th of July party at her house today. She lives across the street from where they launch the fireworks in town. As usual, I am bringing dessert!
1) Alton Brown's
Mango Pepper Vodka Sorbet. Jeff and I have made this before. It's good, if you like mangos. Jeff didn't like it much. I'm interested to hear what others think. Brown's recipe called for a few drops of black pepper essential oil. I don't have that. So, I added more pepper vodka.
2) David Lebovitz's
Peach Ice Cream. David Lebovitz is my favorite dessert blogger. His ice cream recipes are always big hits. I've never made peach in a frozen dessert before. It's chilling in the fridge right now. It doesn't look as smooth as previous recipes- I think because of the sour cream. At least the directions say it will be almost smooth but slightly chunky. Mine is more than slightly chunky. I'll probably take a whisk to it before it gets churned. If that doesn't work, maybe food processor again. I found the recipe on another blogger's site. Lindsay at
Scoop Adventures is all about ice cream. She recommends serving this with blackberries.
3) Epicurious'
Basil Ice Cream. I am most excited to try this. The basil's from my balcony garden. The preparation is similar to how I make mint chip ice cream. Put milk and sugar together in a saucepan, add basil with a pinch of salt, and boil. When it reaches a boil, remove from heat and let stand (covered) for 30 minutes. For mint ice cream, you don't puree the herbs afterwards, just strain them out. This recipe called for blending it all together. My food processor did a terrible job at this. So, I did the best I could, and strained out the big pieces. It has a light basil taste. I've heard it goes well with strawberries.
I'll probably make a 4th dessert too... make molasses cookies? Something crispy to go with the peach and basil ice cream.