Before I forget

Jul 21, 2011 00:05

Midnight showing of Hpott last Thursday was fantastic. One of my best friends from college, Mylissa, invited me last minute to be her companion, as her original viewing buddy couldn't go. The showing was at the Irvine Spectrum. Far away from both where I came from (Topanga) and where I live (outside of LA), but very worth it. As M is an employee of the movie theatre, a coworker reserved her sea plus mine t b/c M she would be working right up til midnight. This means I did not have to wait in line. :D

First thoughts:
1) Snape's death felt more traumatic to me on the screen then in the books. It affected me the same (lots of tears), but I never imagined Nagini attacking him over and over again when I read the passage in the book.

2) McGonagall summoning the suits of armor is one of my favorite moments period. It's so dramatic because of the formality of the spell but also joyous.

3) I still think JKR got to have her cake and eat it too with the scene between Harry and Voldemort in the Forest. Brilliant move, I think, to kill him and keep him alive in the span of several pages. The bit with his family, Remus, and Sirius, was well done. Only weird thing I noticed after the fact was Harry's mention of Remus' son. I don't remember that birth being established in the other movie.

4) While weird, the Harry/Ginny kiss was a little cute.

5) The Epilogue is weird both in the book and in the movie. The actors did not age very well. I think they could have done a better job with that.

6) I'm glad I got to see a midnight showing surrounded by ecstatic fans.

movies: reviews, hpott

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