The past week...

Jun 20, 2011 21:47

From June 11-19, I saw 8 shows. 5 of them were part of Radar LA, the new SoCal version of New York's Under the Radar festival. It focused on contemporary new works, a cross section of local theatre and international collaborations. I was able to attend Radar LA, and subsequently the Theatre Communcations Group (TCG) national conference, as a result of a grant I received. Yea for professional development money!

The last week has been all theatre all the time, basically.

TCG is a national theatre organization that, among other things, publishes American Theatre Magazine and hosts an annual conference. For the first time, the 2011 conference was held in LA. In short, I had a fantastic time. Took copious notes at both Radar LA and the main conference, met leaders in the field who I hope to keep in touch with.

Yesterday and today were spent mostly decompressing. I still saw 2 shows yesterday... but that's not too surprising. :)


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