Title: How?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Ariana D, Albus D
Prompt: #11 Sorrow
Word Count: 229
Rating: G
Summary: Ariana asks Albus the first of five questions. Sequel to
The Opening.
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/72127.html Five things. That is all. Five questions that I have for you, and then you may choose. Accompany me onwards, repairing old mistakes by leading me into the next great adventure. Or will you choose to fix your recent errors, remaining here until those you hurt have passed on?
But those are not questions for you to answer yet, brother dearest. I have one question for you now, one that I have waited years to ask you.
How could you?
Oh, I do not mean why, Albus. I know why you acted as you did - at least I assume that I do. But how?
What do I mean? It’s hard to know, really. It’s such an all-encompassing question that I want a specific answer to. But… I suppose what I really mean is, how could you say the things that you said? Every comment made in anger, every little suggestion born in frustration and every time you lost your temper - how could you say such horrible things?
It hurt. It really did. How could you tell me I was happy being mad? How could you ever even wonder if I was exaggerating my mental state to get attention? How could you not realise how hard I tried to break free of the curse ensnaring my mind?
Most of all, though… how could you think I wanted to hurt you?
linkage to the sequel