Title: Hope
Fandom: Abhorsen Trilogy
Characters: Sanar, Lirael
Prompt: 062 Spring
Word Count: 471
Rating: G
Summary: Winter is long and relentless, driving despair into the Clayr's Glacier.
Progress: 75/100 THREE-QUARTERS DONE!!!!!!!!!!
http://airelement.livejournal.com/4194.html It is always cold in the Clayr’s Glacier. Surrounded by the endless harsh landscape of mountains and ice, winter is a long and relentless presence. Jack Frost leaves his swirling tendrils of frost on the windows each morning, the Charter spells never quite strong enough to eradicate them completely. The Clayr huddle together just a little closer in the Observatory, and although the additional glittering icicles that form on the ceiling strengthens the Sight, it isn’t quite enough to make many of them glad for the drop in temperature. Children are bundled into warm woollen jumpers and mittens made of the thickest goats wool that the autumnal merchants brought, and even the most elegant of the elder Clayr can be seen wearing cashmere cardigans over their flowing white dresses.
Sometimes it feels as if the winter will never end. Will warmth ever return? Cold isolates even the closest of Clayr, reaching out and pulling at the bond between cousins, between sisters, and even between twins.
Twins. Two souls intertwined; one soul born twice. Sanar and Ryelle, Ryelle and Sanar. Always the two of them; the thought of one being parted from the other is inconceivable. But the long months of shivering cold have encircled Sanar’s heart and it feels as if she will never be warm again.
Sanar lies in her bed, staring up at the white ceiling dotted with Charter marks, and she remembers. She remembers the look on Lirael’s face when she was allowed to work in the Library; she remembers the silence that permeates the air around the dark-haired girl; and she remembers the misery that she’s seen on Lirael’s face every single time she’s announced another Awakening. She knows that she can’t do anything to help her younger cousin, and her hope disappears as if possessed by the dark of the long winter nights.
And then she turns her gaze to the window. It looks the same as before, the same as it always does. It’s still freezing cold, and the world is still covered in ice, but overnight a small green point has emerged from the soil that inhabits a small marble flower pot on the windowsill. The first flower of the year is growing, and Sanar knows that winter is on its way out. Spring has come, and with it has brought new hope.
Lirael doesn’t know why Sanar, one of the most respected Clayr in the Glacier, comes down to eat with her in the Lower Refectory at breakfast that morning, and she never will. It’s a small thing, but the human company gives her a small smile that canine company never quite achieves. It’s an important thing to Lirael, but all Sanar thinks of it is that hope is for sharing. The winter is on its way out; maybe darkness could be too.