Title: Truth or Dare
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora, Yuffie, Leon, Aerith, Goofy, Donald
Prompt: 018 True
Word Count: 854
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yuffie incites a game of truth or dare
http://airelement.livejournal.com/56940.html Yuffie looks around at the group of people sitting on crates. All their faces hold varying degrees of boredom, even the stoic Leon.
“Squall Leonhart,” Yuffie says randomly. Leon glares at her.
“Don’t call me that,” he snaps.
“I’m bored,” Yuffie says and shrugs. “You know, this is supposed to be a wild night out. So… let’s do something wild!”
Her suggestion is met with blank looks from her friends. Their vacant faces and slightly blurry eyes tell Yuffie that they’ve been sitting there doing nothing for far too long.
“Like what?” Donald asks. Yuffie shrugs.
“I don’t know… let’s play truth or dare!” she says, suddenly inspired. Sora groans. Yuffie turns to him, a grin displaying itself proudly on her face.
“I sense a story behind the groan,” Yuffie says. “Come on, tell us!” Sora shakes his head and actually blushes. “Aw, you’re boring. Ok, who wants to go first?”
No one responds. Yuffie finds herself fixed under a barrage of raised eyebrows.
“Truth or dare, Yuffie?” Aerith asks, smiling slightly.
Darn… I hate going first, Yuffie thinks. “Er… dare.”
Yuffie waits while Aerith and Leon confer. She strains her ears but can’t catch enough of the discussion to work out what they’re saying.
“Alright, Miss K,” Leon begins, but Yuffie interrupts him when he calls her by her hated nickname.
“Don’t call me that,” she says and pokes him. Leon smirks.
“Anyway, your dare is to sit on Goofy’s lap for the next two turns,” Aerith finishes. Yuffie shrugs and plonks herself on top of the Captain of the Knights of Pluto. She knows Leon. It could have been much, much worse. Yuffie can remember the time he dared her to fake an orgasm on Merlin’s desk. She only did it because the forfeit was to have a real one in his bed.
“My turn,” Yuffie announces. “Ok Sora, truth or dare?” Sora winces. Yuffie hopes he picks truth, because she really wants to know what happened to make him so scared of a silly game (albeit a silly game invented purely to humiliate everyone present).
“Truth,” Sora says. Yuffie is about to jump up and punch the air then remembers she has to stay sitting on Goofy’s lap for two turns - and she knows that if she moves for even a couple of seconds Leon will make her perform some horrible forfeit - so she settles for saying ‘yes!’ enthusiastically. Sora’s eyes flicker from side to side, searching for an escape route, but there isn’t one: Leon and Donald have moved to block both ends of the alley they’re currently lurking in.
“What’s your most embarrassing truth or dare experience?” Yuffie asks. Sora’s mouth stays resolutely shut. “Did I ever tell you about Leon’s evil forfeits?” Sora gulps.
“Alright alright! Er - Selphie dared me to French kiss Riku and Tidus took photos and passed them round to every single person on Destiny Islands,” Sora confesses, his cheeks burning. Yuffie knows she probably shouldn’t laugh, but she does anyway, because the blush on his face is just too cute for words.
Too cute?? Since when has Sora been cute?? Yuffie thinks.
“It must have been love,” she sings, not wanting to think about Sora being cute. That leads to a myriad of other thoughts that she really doesn’t want to link with Sora, because let’s face it - the first time they met, he called her Kairi, and calling a girl by another girl’s name really isn’t an auspicious start to any kind of relationship.
Stop being stupid, Yuffie! she mentally yells.
“C’mon, pick a torture victim, I’m squashing Goofy,” she says to Sora. Sora looks sympathetically at Goofy (who in reality isn’t squashed at all, because Yuffie’s no fatso) and hastens to pose the three-word question of doom to Donald.
The secrets and the dares get wilder and more extreme as the game goes on - Yuffie’s used to this game with Leon and Aerith so it’s no surprise to her, but the others haven’t taken truth or dare to such extremes before - and by the time it’s Yuffie’s fifth turn Leon is wearing a bra that Donald had to go back to the house and select from Aerith’s wardrobe, Goofy’s stood naked in the middle of the square and serenaded the mayor, and Aerith’s had to tell them in liberal detail about her first time with Cid.
“Truth or dare, Yuff-Yuff?” Leon says in an exaggerated older-brotherly way. Yuffie smacks him on the head for calling her that.
“Dare,” she says proudly. She’s not a wimp, unlike certain ducks she could mention who’ve ducked out of humiliation by choosing truth every time.
“Hmm… go and straddle Sora and snog his brains out,” Leon says. Maybe it’s the hyperactivity that Yuffie always suffers from during prolonged games of truth or dare, or maybe it’s the fact that Sora’s grown another couple of inches taller since last time they met up and the extra height is really hot, but Yuffie doesn’t actually mind. So she stands up, hops onto Sora’s lap and proceeds to do just what Leon told her to and kisses Sora senseless.