LOTR Meme!

Apr 24, 2010 11:45

Taken from a couple people on my f-list...

The character I first fell in love with: Interestingly enough, Faramir was my first favorite character. I liked Aragorn, but Faramir in the book was so awesome and noble. It wasn't a couple of years later that Aragorn overcame Faramir and then went above and beyond XD Faramir is edging back in, but I need to read more fan fic where he has a spine and kicks arse.

The character everyone else loves that I don't: Legolas. I think it started with dislike for the Orlando Bloom fan group when I was a young teenager. That faded, and I grew to appreciate fun book Legolas, but I could never stand the serious, angsty movie Legolas. And I still make fun of him for it.

The character I love that everyone else hates: Well, not 'hate', but I think Boromir is under-appreciated. He really is a noble fellow and I think he played an important part in the Fellowship. I'd like to see more Fellowship fan fiction simply to see how he grows there (well, and Aragorn, but that's a no-brainer).

The character I'd want to be like: Well, I wish I was as awesome as Aragorn XD

The character I'd slap: Wormtongue is a creepy twerp and deserves it. Denethor definitely needs to be slapped. And movie!Legolas for his ridiculous dialogue.

Favorite LotR movie adaptation: Amon Hen, hands down. I love how Aragorn was shown to fight against the Ring- seriously, there's nothing mentioned in the book which bugs me, he's a Man too- the fact that everyone is shown fighting and that Aragorn gets action, not this "he was too late" crap (which is just sad), everyone fighting and what they did, Merry and Pippin sacrificing themselves for Frodo, the evilness that is Lurtz, and Boromir's last line to Aragorn. So wonderful.

Least favorite LotR movie adaptation: Oh, Elrond's characterization, easily. Basically it was because of his complete jerkiness that turned Arwen into the frail creature she was in TTT and ROTK, and that gave Aragorn his self-confidence issues. If he was awesome like he was in the books, those two wouldn't have been affected as they were! GRR.

Favorite unsolved Tolkien mystery: Hmm. I find the missing details about Legolas' life, including his hair-color, hilarious, but I think my favorite would have to be what happens after Men die, and when the end of the world will happen and all races are reunited (because it can't happen any other way, right?). Also, the names of Aragorn's girls XD OH! And the Entwives!

Least favorite unsolved Tolkien mystery: Uhm.. hmm. I guess I'm going to have to go with the consensus and pick Tom Bombadil for his WTF factor. I just say he's something that was created with the world in some fluke in the song and Goldberry was one of Ulmo's wayward Maia daughters. So I've already solved it for myself XD

Five favorite characters: Aragorn, Faramir, Gandalf, Bilbo, and Halbarad (the last especially grew from his fan fiction interpretations)

Five least favorite characters: Hmm. I don't have any characters I really hate, I think they all play a role in the story, but there are definitely those that bore me and I have no interest in. Basically most of the people in Turin's story (it's too depressing and I don't want to know more xD), hobbits outside the main four + Bilbo are bore-fests... oh, I never liked Thingol. Such an arse. While I think Denethor needs to be slapped, he's too interesting to really dislike... oh! Maeglin. Maeglin fails so much. His father Eol is an arse too.

Which character I am most like: According to some detailed analysis I took about five years ago, I was a combination of Saruman and Boromir. XD I think, though, that I have learned some humility in the past few years so perhaps Boromir's and Faramir's unmentioned sister who's a combination of the two of them. Hahah. But they both have their passions as I do, and will defend what they love.

My deep, dark fandom secret: If I said it, it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it? XD But seriously, I was attempting to write a realistic self-insert when I was... 14. It didn't work. Thankfully I only published one chapter before realizing the futility of it and deleted it. I still have the notes on my hard drive XD

lotr, meme

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