Aragorn's B-day Pic Post- Redux! :D

Mar 01, 2010 02:15

I wrote this originally a few years ago and began adding pictures three years back. For today's post I edited quite a few of the links, edited most of the horrible grammar (I had a problem with present and past tense when I first wrote this...), added many more artists and took away many screencaps.

In the following, it's when Aragorn becomes king (and until the end of the piece) that the images basically become all film screencaps, so feel free to skip those if you're not interested (basically anything that has 'framecaplib' in the url is a screencap). There are only a couple film screencaps before all that, and the rest of the links are something else. Next year I'll get in more non-film-screencaps :D

Images are various interpretations of characters and places from LOTR, including but not limited to PJ's LOTR films, LOTR Online, fan films, professional Tolkien fan art, and Tolkien fan art found on DeviantArt (some movie-based, some book-based). DeviantArt takes a good chunk of the art linked because the links don't break and there are so many brilliant pieces on that site that should be seen. Those images belong to those people, yada yada legal stuff yada yada end disclaimer. I'd like to thank Google and the dA art search for being so helpful.

First image is a drawing I did three years ago (wow), but otherwise, all yanked from other places. Read disclaimer XD

Aragorn is one of the few Tolkien characters to be actually granted a date of birth and not just a year. He was born on March 1st, 2931 of the Third Age to Arathorn and Gilraen. At two years old, his father was slain by an orc-arrow that pierced his eye and he died at the age of sixty. Gilraen took her child to Rivendell, and Elrond took the place of his father and loved him as if he were his own. In this house his lineage was kept secret from him, and he was called Estel, which means 'hope' in Sindarin.

At the age of 20, Aragorn was told by Elrond of his true name and lineage, and he received the shards of Narsil and the Ring of Barahir. Of his heirlooms, Sceptre of Annuminas was withheld from him still, and not for many years would he earn it.

The next day, an hour after sunset, for the first time he set his eyes upon Arwen Undomiel, Elrond's daughter, and at that moment he fell in love with her. Soon, Elrond found this out, and he decreed that Aragorn would not bind to any woman until his destiny was fulfilled. As for Arwen, she was much too high of lineage for him.

Aragorn left the house of Elrond, and began a long life in the Wild. In the year of 2956 of the Third Age he met Gandalf, and their long friendship began. From 2957-2980 he went to both Rohan and Gondor and served under King Thengel and the steward Ecthelion II under the guise of Thorongil. After, he went alone far east and south, where he learned much of the hearts of Men and the plots of Sauron's servants.

At 49 years of age, he returned from the dark confines of Mordor and yearned to go back to Rivendell. But first, he went to Lorien, where he was permitted to enter by the grace of Lady Galadriel. Here, he met Arwen once more, and she returned his love. Aragorn gave her the Ring of Barahir, and they pledged to one another their love on the hill of Cerin Amroth.

He returned once more to Rivendell, and a shadow now laid between him and Elrond. Elrond feared for Arwen, and told him that she would not marry anyone lesser than the King of Gondor and Arnor. And they spoke no more of it.

A few years later, Gilraen departed the House of Elrond and stayed with her own people. She and her son saw each other seldom, but before she died, he paid her one last visit. She knew she was to die, yet he asked for her to look beyond the darkness, to the light. And then she said:

"Omen i-Estel Edain, u-chebin estel anim."

"I gave Hope to the Dunedain, I have kept no hope for myself."

She died before the next spring, in the year of 3007.

In the year of 3001, Gandalf came to the suspect the ring that Bilbo carried was indeed the One Ring. The guard on the Shire was doubled at this time, and Gandalf called for the help of Aragorn to look for news of the creature Gollum, who once bore the Ring. Nothing was found of him for many years, but in 3009 Gandalf and Aragorn renewed their hunt for Gollum. For the next eight years, they searched the vales of the Anduin, Mirkwood, and Rhovanion to the borders of Mordor. Finally, Aragorn found him in the Dead Marshes, and for 50 days they traveled up to Mirkwood to Thranduil's halls. Here, Gollum was kept prisoner and Aragorn made his way back to Eriador.

In the year 3018, in September, he met with some hobbits in Bree, and took them to Rivendell. On the 25th of October the Council of Elrond took place, and on December 25th the Fellowship set out, and the Quest began.

Quite a few things happen to him (and others) in the next few months, among them being summoning a few dead people, releasing said dead people, and making a much-needed appearance at the battle of Pelennor Fields.

After the One Ring was destroyed, on May 1st at the age of 88 Aragorn claimed the throne. He was crowned king of Gondor and Arnor, received the Sceptre of Annuminas, and married Arwen Undomiel on Mid-year's Day.

During his reign he rebuilt much of what was lost, and brought back the glory days of old to his kingdom. A law was made that permitted no Men to enter the Shire, and he declared it a free land under his protection. The Thain, the Master, and the Mayor (Pippin, Merry, and Sam, respectively) he made 'Counsellors of the North-kingdom'. In year 14 of the Fourth Age he traveled up to Lake Evendim, stopping at the Brandywine Bridge to greet his friends. Here, he gave the Star of the Dunedain to Sam, and Elanor was made a maid of honour to Queen Arwen. The Westmarch, from the Far Downs to the Tower Hills, was added to the Shire as a gift from King Elessar.

On March 1st, 120 FA, King Elessar at last surrendered his crown to his son, Eldarion, and at the ripe age of 210 he passed away. Arwen bids her son, her daughters, and all those dear to her farewell soon after, and goes to Lorien, which is deserted. Here she lays her body to rest and dies on Cerin Amroth, where once long ago she pledged her love to Aragorn.

And thus ended his glorious life.

'All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.'

Have a fabulous day :D

Oh, and please feel free to link any images (not screencaps from the film) that would go well with this to use for next year :D Oh, and totally link to your friends if they want to see awesome Aragorn goodness (and also have pictures to share!). Yay Aragorn!


lotr, tolkien, aragorn

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