amatomnes's Application

Oct 03, 2011 15:42

» Journal: lostandawaiting
» Birthdate/Age: July 1989, 22
» Characters Played: n/a

» Name: Winifred "Fred" Burkle
» Fandom: Angel
» Reference: Buffy wikia
» Canon Point: 5.5 Life of the Party
» Gender: Female
» Age: Roughly 25
» Orientation: Heterosexual. While Fred is very much an affectionate person, we see her more so with the males of the cast, especially when she is in a relationship. In canon she dated both Wesley and Gunn, and for a very brief period, she harbored a crush on Angel. She doted on him, wanted to be around him, daydreamed even. In the middle of the third season, she started dating Gunn and then in the middle to end of the fourth, she kissed Wesley. In the middle of the fifth season she persues a relationship with him.

» Personality:
Fred may look like a tiny girl. For all intents and purposes, that is what she is, but she has great strength. She's a survivor to her core and does not give up, given that she spent five years in a hell dimension. She saw the slaughter of many humans, but she remained throughout the years by escaping her captives and living in the caves. Things are not simply written out. She does not believe in fate. It's how she knows she has to keep fighting. And that is what she does. No matter what the situation or the odds, she has to keep going even if everything is systematically taken away from her, including her sanity which was what happened after the years of living in a cave.

This makes her determined. She's skilled and extremely intelligent, being a physics major in her life before the supernatural. She's also resourceful, having once made a machine made to decapitate out of a toaster and an axe. It worked, too. She's also passionate about what is right and wrong. Though she understands the grey, befriending Lorne, a demon. Everyone thinks demons are evil, but Fred sees what's inside a person. She judges people by this and if you are allied with her, she'll go any lengths. She still tried to stick by Wesley even after he was essentially exiled.

Fred is also a great judge of character because of this, but it can also be a fault of hers. She trusts explicitly, even if it gets her hurt. It doesn't make her naive though. She can see through people's motives. In season five, Spike tried to charm her into doing what he wanted, she went along with it because she knew he was reformed, not because she was actually charmed. However she never saw the intentions of Knox, her assistant, who was the reason she was killed.

Feeling loss deeply is another one of her downfalls. Her reality and the fact that she has people is what keeps her sanity. She gains it back when she realized she just wanted Angel to rescue her. But when her family and her adopted family at hotel are in danger, she kicks herself into action. Her need of being needed drives her. She almost left Angel Investigations when she thought she wasn't needed. Her biggest fear is death, doing something unfulfilled. The only time we ever see her truly scared is when a demon takes all the moisture from her body and she's dying, and when Illyria is trying to claw her way out. Her world becomes shattered when what she has is threatened of being taken away like when her old professor, the one that sent her to Pylea in the first place, opened a portal in the middle of her presentation.

She is the heart of Angel Investigations, even if she says it's Cordelia. She's passionate about everything she does and doesn't stop. Even when people tell her to stop or to leave, she comes back. This once saved Gunn's life, because Fred came back for him and took out a group of vampires. She isn't necessarily a fighter by nature, but one thing Fred learns to do is adapt. When she was in Pylea, she did what was necessary for her survival. When Angel took her in, and she stayed in the hotel, once her sanity was regained, she did what was needed. Fred helped when it was possible. Fighting, answering the phone, setting up a website, and doing anything she could to help. She is not loud or overly pushy, she isn't gaudy. The petite girl is generally seen in plain, simple clothes. They're feminine, but light. Fred holds people close to her. That is what is important to her. She isn't materialistic as such.

Fred also is a genius. She was a physics major prior to being sucked in a hell dimension. She's worked on algorithms which opened a portal that took the group back to our dimension, wrote a paper on dimensional travel that was published, and is quite good with engineering, rigging things as needed. She also uses her weaponry skills. She tends to think outside of the box and is sly. She uses the illusion of her small stature as an advantage in a fight. She isn't the strongest in the group, but she's fought vampires and aliens. The tiny woman may not look threatening, but she's learned from the best when it comes to fighting.

There is a side of her that does reflect what she looks like. She is kind and soft. Fred is a caregiver, she can be meek. Her caring for the group runs deep. Her relationship with Charles doesn't ruin the dynamic. But people shouldn't confuse that with weakness or naivety. She likes caring for people. She visited Wesley when Angel kicked him out of the group after kidnapping Connor. She wants to be wanted, but she will be respected. When the misogyny demon possessed Wesley and Charles, she took them both out with her wit and her strength. She is more than capable of holding her own if need be. There's a duality that exists between her. What one expects and the exact opposite. Fred is aware of it.

Her relationships are the most important thing to her, and losing them can bring her to her knees. Angel was the person to save her from Pylea. She developed a crush on him, because it was the paradigm of 'damsel in distress', and she admits as much in the episode where her parents come to take her home. She tells him that she created her own prison for him to save her, but she had to save herself. It's the first time we see her taking the reigns on her own life. He's also the leader. She looks up to him. Especially during their stay at Wolfram and Hart. While it was Fred's choice to stay, she followed his lead and will always continue to do so.

Cordelia is the female presence in her life. She's gone shopping with her, talked to her about Charles and Wesley, and Cordy helped Fred adjust to the life at Angel Investigations.

Lorne is a very close friend. When he goes missing, she keeps trying to contact him until finally she drags the gang of to Vegas. She's the one that infiltrates the show as a 'Lornette' and tries to rescue him. Lorne is from the same dimension she was in when she was trapped. There's a connection there, and since she is the reason he's on Earth, it's reciprocated. Plus she admits after a sinful amount of Chinese food that if people had to be the color green, they'd choose his color. He's a comrade, someone fun and the comedic relief in the show.

Charles was the first person she dated on the show. We saw her open up with him, becoming more affectionate and quite playful. They are seen on several dates, often involving large amounts of food. While she wasn't fully aware of his and Wesley's competition with her, she at first chose him because of their strong friendship. She once saved him by coming back to stake a nest full of vampires even though he told her to leave.

But their relationship doesn't last because it's mainly on the surface. Not that Fred doesn't care about Gunn, but a lot of it is fun. Once their relationship is tested, it becomes shaky. Like the fact that Gunn takes it upon himself to kill her professor, a choice she made for herself. Then with the doom of the Apocalypse, they end up on worse ground.

Eventually they end up breaking up when Wesley kisses Fred, and Charles goes after him. He ends up hitting her in the process.

It takes Fred up to the moment of her death to realize just how much Wesley loved her. We see how much she cares for him throughout the series, but especially when Angel exiles him. Fred was the one to visit him. She also didn't want to hurt him when he was posessed by the misogynist demon, but it was a life or death situation. She made it a point to visit him after.

They understand each other. Both are quirky and both go through a dark period. She was the one he sought out when she wanted to kill her professor for revenge. She knew he'd relate. When he comes back to the gang, Fred is pleased to see him. And even when he kissed her, though she was dating Gunn, she did kiss back.

It takes them awhile to stop dancing around the subject after the Apocalypse. They settle into Wolfram and Hart, and while her assistent Knox tries to get with her, she does shut him down. We see them progressively getting close especially after Lorne's abilities go a little haywire after his lack of sleep. He tells them to get drunk, and a drunk Wesley is later seen carting an even drunker Fred around the dance floor. They finally end up together when the two are battling evil demon eggs. The passion of the moment sweeps them both and the episode ends with them kissing.

Their relationship is really seen the next episode when Fred wakes up in his shirt and goes to embrace him. She sings to him, she visits him during the day, she does all the cute little girl friend things. Up until the moment she finds out she's dying.

Wesley is the one who is with her when she dies. He's the one who tries to quiet her fears, and she latches on to him and tries to fight despite how very scared she is. She doesn't want to be the damsel again, a testiment to how much stronger she has become. But the demon inside of her is too strong and she dies in his arms, asking him why can't she stay.

She's caring to a fault, knowledgeable, and a fighter. Fred does what needs to be done without taking no for an answer. Nothing or no one can tell her what to do and that is always how she's lived. It's why losing things never works well with her. She fights until she dies, literally, which is why that is her true fear.

» Appearance:
Fred is the tiniest on the show. She stands at about 5'6 with long, brown, somewhat scraggly hair. Sometimes she is seen with glasses, but over all, with or without them, she has the look of being nerdy. Most often, she's smiling a little crookedly and wears relatively girly clothes unless she's in a lab.

» Suitability: n/a

» "amatomnes" First-Person Network Entry:
[An image of Fred appears on the screen. Her usual smile is there, trying to be calm, collected despite the fact that this is another dimension. This was something she was terrified of, and yet, not. This wasn't Pylea. She may not know exactly where she is, but a place like this couldn't be so bad, right? Then again looks could certainly fool, and she knew that.]

Umm. Hello. [A bit of a seperated reaction, she's still adjusting to this idea.] I'm Fred. Angel? Cordy? Wesley? Does anyone know anyone by those names? Please... [She blinks. How Cordelia is there, she wasn't sure. She shouldn't be - dead and all. Still. If someone she knew was there, then maybe her world wouldn't fall completely apart.]

This is an island, right? Not any sort'a hell dimension. S'pose it's how you classify it though. Goddess who rules and all that, yup sounds like something I've been through. [There's a small look of fear there. Not of this place. No, she's fought them before. But at how much she's lost. She doesn't really need an answer to this.]

I know people probably ask about leavin' all the time, but really. I've got some expertise in dimensional travel. Maybe if you just tweak the resonance of certain soundwaves. Or energy. How much energy can be produced here, and exactly what kinds? Anything like a sacred talismen. [A sigh before she looks down. She's not defeat.] I should probably write this down.

Sorry for that. Really. [And she's just going to shut the feed off now before she starts on quantum physics.]

» "amatomneslogs" Third-Person Prose Entry:
Waking up with that heavy feeling, panting almost, Fred's eyes first took in the ceiling. She watched the intricate patterns above as her sleep adled brain started to pick up the pieces that this was not right. For one thing, she felt completely satiated, like she could just roll over and cuddle her lover.

But there was no one there. There was no one there and this was not her room. This wasn't the lab either since many a night lately had been spent sleeping there. Fred rose slowly, feeling the soft sheets against her skin. That was different, too. It wasn't that Fred was ashamed of herself - she knew full well how skinny she was and how much she lacked in her chest region. That wasn't what was worrying. What was worrying was the fact that she was naked when she shouldn't be and her clothes, she soon found, were folded neatly across from the bed.

The thought made her freeze; she couldn't remember how she got there. However, despite it all, she longed for that soft touch of a man next to her. It had been awhile since she felt it, but this, the feeling of near bliss and with her body still shaking like she just had the most earth shattering orgasm, she nearly craved it.

Now was not the time, she told herself before rising and taking a sheet with her. It was then that her body felt it. A hand went to the color and she froze. No. Not again. This clearly was not about a night of too much alcohol. A collar. She had a collar, and suddenly all feeling of bliss was gone and in its stead was fear, blinding fear.

She had to find out who did this and reverse it. It was the only thought that ran through her head.

!!ooc, !!app, [game] amat

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