
Oct 20, 2008 13:06

It's my Birthday today (it's already October 21st in Japan).

To celebrate, I went out with twodromance, maxwellsdemon7, dekinakutesorry, karyu_mania, Masa, Izumi, Danielle, Emil, and Helena to The LockUp in Ikebukuro. It's an "izakaya" style restaurant designed like a prison, where all the staff are dressed up, and they serve you drinks in beakers and test tubes, and then you get attacked by monsters at some point during your meal... XD

After dinner, Jessie and I went to see Kozi (ex. Malice Mizer/Eve of Destiny) perform with his new band, DALLE, at Tokyo Dark Castle's Halloween Event at Shinjuku MARS.

After that, we went out for some drinks at Bar ZIN in Kabukicho and called it a night.

I posted a ton of pics on MySpace & Facebook... you can check out the highlights here if you're interested:

My Birthday Party at The LockUp

Birthday Boy ;P

dekinakutesorry & karyu_manai got me this lovely Birthday Banana... I loves it! :D

Me + Banana + Kendra = Love

Mean Muggin' Ganstaz.

Tall Ren is tall.

maxwellsdemon throwing The Shocker.

I like ham.<3


zomg! NOoOooOes!

twodromance striking a Last Supper pose

Masa looks all *niko-niko* ^__^

Emil, Helena and Izumi

Danielle, Emil and Helena

Izumi about to mix things up

Mmmmmmmm... their drinks are so fun XD

Our waitress, dressed as a pun'kin! :D

The Three Caballeros

Another waitress dressed as a prisoner

aintafraid2die, dekinakutesorry & karyu_mania = Cool Kidz 8D

Russian Roulette Soba Noodles (one of them is extremely spicy and tastes like burning; the rest are all safe)

We all slurped the noodles on the count of three...

... and poor Emil got burninated D:

Ole Ole Oreo Drink~!<3

You mash up the Oreo with the mortar & pestal, then mix it in the drink... sooooo yummy~! :9

Another fun drink at The LockUp XD

Monster attaaaaack~! :O

Oh noes! He kidnapped Izumi! You bastard!!!

Lil' Jon was at my birthday party... YEAH! :o

Skeletor with jaundice and a tamborine.

Izumi & Me... he bumped his head when the monster kidnapped him, aww.

Freddy Krueger with an umbrella?

Helena looking terrified

Who wants a body massage?!?! :O

Masa praying for dear life

Ren scoffing.

Ghostface brings me a birthday cake with a sparkler on it~! :O

The chocolate says "RICHA-DO" in Japanese ;)

Birthday Banzai~!!!

Emil delivers the Parfait!

Rachel raises her trophy XD


Jessie hiding from the parfait carnage


MMMMMmmmmm.... delicious parfait~OMnomnomnomnomnomnom

Now that I can't stand up anymore... it's time to go! :D

Kozi performing with DALLE at Tokyo Dark Castle~!
(They allowed everyone to take pictures, so inb4 'you can't take pics at lives')


They played a cover of "Tainted Love" that was amazing! I love them already! XD

Kozi is FIERCE

Is that a tattoo...? Tattoos are from the De-ville.

Badass MoFo

maxwellsdemon & aintafraid2die after the live

Dark Castle BFFs<3

China Blues after Dark Castle at Bar ZIN in Kabukicho... The End to a perfect night! KANPAI!

Hope you enjoyed the new pictures~!

I'm having a very Happy Birthday this year! ^_^
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