Ginza Kazoku 銀座家族

Oct 09, 2008 14:56

I haven't written much about my job yet, but I really love it!

We are like a family at Ginza... everyone looks out for each other, and we're a really strong team when it comes down to business. Each month, our school has one of the highest financial and customer service goals in the entire company. When other schools can't make their goals, we have to cover the extra expenses where they fall short. In other words, the entire company depends on us to do well in order to keep things going when other branches hit hard times.

Since the time I started in July, our school has made its goal every month! XD

This is awesome because ALL of the Native English Teachers at Ginza are new (I've actually been there the longest, and that's only 2 months!), but this means our students really like us, because many are renewing their contracts to continue studying with us! :)

I am really happy about this! Just last week, one of my favorite students that takes 2 private lessons every Thursday with me renewed BOTH of her lessons for an entire year! She was thinking about quitting before I came, but later told my manager that she changed her mind because she really enjoys my teaching style, and will continue taking courses at the Ginza school until I leave. ^^;

All of the teachers at Ginza are awesome. Our manager, Mari, is also amazing! I love my boss! She actually bought me my 'hanko' (signature stamp) as a welcoming-gift to use for my new life in Japan, and always picks me up a milk tea when she goes out to run errands... she is so nice!!! aaaggghh!!! I don't know what I did to be so lucky, but I'm glad things turned out the way they did. ^^

Below is a photo that was taken at the 'Going-Away Party' we had for Andrea (Australia) and John (England), which also doubled as the 'Welcoming Party' for me (USA), Mhairi (Scotland), and Claire (England).

Ginza Family

Andrea, John, Keiko, Haruko, Marie, Mhairi, Mitsuko, Claire, and Richard

Since it's October, I also volunteered to design a graphic for our school's homepage to keep things fresh (I'm thinking about doing a new one every two months or so). Obviously, the theme for this month was Halloween. Aside from the fact that I hate my face in the picture (we had to do mug-shots on a red-background for the profile page, and I was like half-awake, and the flash washed out my face, but whatever), I think the graphic turned out decent. My boss and co-workers loved it, so I figured I'd share it on here as well (it's nothing special, but it works):

I honestly never expected to find a job I love so much, but oddly enough, I really enjoy teaching English! I've met some really amazing people through it, and I look forward to seeing how things progress over the year ahead. :)

tl;dr - I love my job and everyone I work with. I made a picture for Halloween. XD
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