May 31, 2006 22:32
I worked a total of 10 hours today. It wasn't so bad because Kelly wasn't there, and I got to work with Jenna. I caught two spiders in cups today, and released them outside. Susan almost squished one, but I saved it. I am a hero.
Speaking of Jenna, A couple shifts ago at work we were both closing and I was out back getting something. I saw that there were customers so I was walking up front, when I noticed that Jenna was cleaning the pig. (the pig is the thing that is used to filter the friers, and it collects huge chunky bits of grease and other particulate matter) I exclaimed "ewww thats really dirty," and not knowing that there were customers out front she yells (loudly) after me "Yeah, thats how you like it Ainsley, Dirrrrty." My face turned bright red, and it was two teenage guys, and they both kind of smiled at me. I was sooo embarassed.
So, my kitties are gone. They both went to good homes, but I miss playing with them. I really want a little kitty. yesterday there was a bug crawling on the outside of our patio doors, and my dog leaped at the door (from the inside) and smashed her face into it. The bug then began to move, so she smashed her face into the door again. LOL. I wish my dog wasn't so stunned. Oh well.