ursuscelticus and
mathochist gave me a hummingbird feeder for yule. I'd been seeing this hummingbird out the deck door, and wondered what he was living on here in the winter. Anyway, I put it up, and today saw (her? there's no bright throat and head patch, but maybe that's just a breeding season thing?) drinking from the feeder. Twice today!
I'd worried that if this bird was living out of feeders (there are no flowers blooming here right now), that sugar water wasn't much of a balanced diet, but apparently
Anna's hummingbird also eats insects and tree sap, so she's likely getting other food. And they aren't migratory like the ones we had in VA, either.
Oddly, the crow seem uninterested in the offering of stale tortillas I put out :(
Maybe they are holding out for better fare? Last time it was cheese bread, so maybe the tortillas are disappointing by comparison. Or they're finding better stuff elsewhere. Yes, I do feed the crows too. I *like* crows, and I love watching them from the living room.