Jun 14, 2006 23:28
I had a doctor's appointment today..... my incision isn't looking so hot, so they wanted to check it out. It's infected....it hurts, and it's oozing. (nice, isn't it?) They put me on antibiotics and I have to go back tomorrow at 2 for them to recheck it. If it doesn't look better, they are going to have to take out my staples and just let it drain until it heals I guess, which is a pretty scary thought. Not only that, but if they NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) finds out that it's infected, especially if they have to open it up....there's a pretty good chance they will ban me from coming up into the NICU until I'm better.....and the thought of being away from Kamryn KILLS me. As it was, I had been planning on going up with my mom for her 3:00 feeding today but was unable to. Marc and I did make it up there tonight for her 9:00 routine though.... and that brings me to the next little section.
Kamryn is doing SO WELL. It's truly amazing. When we got there tonight, she was off her phototheraphy light for the jaundice...a major accomplishment. Not only that but she only has an IV in because she still has a couple rounds of antibiotics to take, and that should be done in just a couple days! She began bottle feeding today, too! She took out her own feeding tube, the lil squirt! She did lose a few ounces though...the only downfall, but her nurse said that's actually a good thing because she hadn't lost any weight since she was born, and that actually helps to get rid of some of the fluids in her belly and stuff that she's retained. And guess what! I asked the nurse if she could 'try the boob' tonight, she said we'd try.... and Kamryn knew exactly what to do...she latched on right away and ate for a full 5 minutes before faling asleep....which is totally wonderful for the very first time trying. It was an amazing feeling to have her on my breast. I couldn't help but cry.....and Marc was amazed as well.
We couldn't ask for more....she's so strong and doing so well despite all the hurdles she's had to cross througout the pregnancy, delivery and up until now. We are truly blessed.