This journal has been decreed to be friends-only...

Dec 22, 2012 00:01

Who am I? My profile will tell you most of what you need to know to begin to understand, but the biggest thing you need to know is that I am still changing and evolving, figuring out who I am and what I'm meant to be. The teenager who made this journal in January of 2003 is not the same as the barely adult lady from 2006, who in turn is not the same person sitting here writing this entry in the year 2009. I full well expect that I can look back on the me from 2009 in a few years and see I am not the same as her anymore.

Yes, a lot of the basic character traits still remain... I'm still a cheerful radical dreamer who has, over the years, gone more and more introverted. I have a habit of talking too much and looking back to eat my words. I tend to be easygoing to the point of being a doormat, though with quite an angry & bitter streak (which is where I tend to make mistakes that I regret). I am a quite a bit of a silly geek. I enjoy my anime and manga, and I enjoy my technology. I still suffer from clinically undiagnosed mental issues, though even I can tell I at least have a moderate case of depression, if not a mild-to-moderate case of manic depression.

I update sporadically, when I feel the need or when I have the energy, which can lead to jumps and gaps in the internal story, but I am always willing to try to explain myself if you tell me you're confused. Please don't friend me with the expectations of me commenting on your every post, or even posting in my journal more than twice a year. I'm a bit of a lurker by nature right now, and prefer to read of your life and dreams and explorations.

I currently employ pixel graphics in my posts, mainly because they're cute and silly and cheer me up. If they bother you, you can block my photobucket with your favorite ad-blocking technology, and I won't be offended. I won't even know, actually.

My tagging system is vastly incomplete and needs work, just like myself, and there's a lot of entries that are private that shouldn't be from when I recently overhauled my tiered friends-list. As such, this journal is changing and evolving, just as I hope I am. Even so, this journal has been friends only for several years now, and thus shall it remain, except for a few scattered entries here and there. I take my privacy seriously and expect you all, my friends, to do the same and respect my wish for it.

Thank you for stopping by my journal. If none of this has chased you off yet, feel free to drop a comment and say hello. I promise I don't bite, unless you want me to do so. ^^

Aine Silveria

P.S. The date on this entry is a sort of snipe at the 2012 doomsday theorists. They cry out that the world will end at every turn. To them, I say this, as uttered by the Ninth Doctor:
"You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by eggs, or beef, or global warming, or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible: that maybe you survive."
Anything is possible, absolutely anything, if we have the will and power to believe in it. If we are doomed as a society, as a people, I believe it is only because we have willed it to be so.

P.S. the second: I also forgot to mention that I still employ a tiered friends-list, though most of the time I just post to my friends-list in general. Mainly, it's because I'm a private person, I have family friended to my LJ, and I do like to have some semblance of a private place away from family. I have one completely optional filter on my journal, which is for things of a religious nature. If you are curious about such things, please do ask to be added to it. I welcome alternate views on this subject especially.

journal: friends-only

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