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Aug 13, 2009 04:23

I know I'm not good about updating, but I'm trying to be a little better, so I thought I'd give a general update to let you all know how things are going.

Pics under the cut

Things have been pretty good since the divorce. Work has been work, nothing really ever changes there, but does anyone really expect it to?

My parents couldn't come see me around the 4th of July this year, which they normally do, so I headed their direction for the first time in years. It was nice to spend some time with them, get to talk to them about everything that had happened. I've always been close with my parents, I don't talk to them enough now.

While I was there, we went up to the Indianapolis Zoo. Zoos have always been something we did as a family, and is still something I enjoy quite a bit now. The Indy Zoo has always been one of my favorites, and I hadn't been in awhile, so it was a lot of fun to go rediscover it with them.

Petting sharks! It's amazingly cool, and I was surprised at how soft they are. This is one of the newer exhibits, so I hadn't done it much, and always enjoy it. It's one of the things I love about zoos, getting to actually interact with animals you'd never get to otherwise.

My mom and I at the shark petting pool. She's actually way shorter than I am, so it's funny how short I look hanging over her shoulder.

I thought these flowers were pretty, especially the way they covered the hillside. The Indy Zoo has always been really good at lovely landscaping that fits with the areas.

Ring-tailed Lemurs! I always loved these, they're so fun to watch, and almost always really active. This one is just crusing along!

More monkeys just hanging out! :p My daddy and I, goofing around in the heat.

We also went to the Indy Botanical Gardens, where they have the indoor garden turned into a butterfly garden, which is just gorgeous. We stopped in right before closing, so didn't have a lot of time, but spent all we could watching the butterflies floating over our heads. I could spend hours in there, it's always so peaceful watching them.

I know this looks like part of the zoo, but it actually isn't. This is the pond my parents put in their backyard, and yes, that frog is real! They change the pond a little each year, streching it, widening it, changing the shape, but it's always cool. I like to feed the fish, they come right up to the top of the water and practically swim on top of each other to get to the food. It's a beautiful place to come out and sit, especially in the cool of the morning or evening, and read a book.

I really did have a good time with my parents, and I think it was something I needed after everything that had happened.

Last weekend I got to do something else extremely fun. I went with some friends and spent the day at Six Flags Great America, just north of Chicago. I haven't been to an amusement park in years, I had forgotten how much fun they were. We rode almost all the big rides, loving the Batman ride and the Raging Bull especially. We rode the Raging Bull three times, loving how fast and smooth it was. I even raised my hands in the air! It has the best hills for that, really pulling you out of your seat.

It was a gorgeous day for it, sunny, low 80s, and a tuesday, so not that busy at the park. I think the longest we waited in line was about 90 minutes, and that was for the Superman ride, which was the busiest one in the park. It's a fun ride, but I liked the Raging Bull better.

We rode the Raging Bull after it got dark, expecting it to be our last ride of the day, but when we got off decided to make a mad dash to the American Eagle, a classic wooden racing coaster. We raced up the empty lines, practically getting right on, and managed two rides, one in the very back, which was crazy fast and whippy. I could barely catch my breath from the running and the screaming, it was just so much fun.

It was a great day, and so I had to get a proof pic with one of the residents of the park.

Don't mind the lily white legs, I haven't worn shorts in years.

So those are the fun things I've gotten to do lately. I've done a few other, smaller things, like go to the local fair, where I got to see bunnies! I love bunnies. :D

Things have been going well. I'm glad to be able to tell you all that.

personal, fun

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