Happy Valentine's Day, and Bristol trip

Feb 14, 2010 12:05

Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate it.

Me and Euan are just gonna have a lazy Valentine's Day, I think. We aren't really all that bothered about the holiday - we don't need one day of the year to express our feelings towards each other, we do that every day. <3

We went to Bristol yesterday, since I had the day off work. I can only remember going there once before, when I went on a college trip to the zoo. We ended up getting hopelessly lost, but we eventually found the city's Forbidden Planet store. I spent some of my remaining Christmas money in there, and, as it isn't as huge as the London store, there wasn't as much to distract us this time. XD

There was a huge kerfuffle with the trains later, too, which pissed me off - first we were given the incorrect time for the next train (when we'd researched the times before, and it was only after arguing this to the station worker that he actually bothered to look up the correct time, instead of using guesswork). Then, when we'd been at the platform for a while, there was a platform alteration and we had to move to another one. THEN it changed BACK, so we had to move back to the previous platform (which was now really crowded). Then, suddenly, at the last possible minute, the train we were supposed to be getting was cancelled and added on to a DIFFERENT train, which wasn't made clear enough (the announcements were saying one thing, the staff member on the platform was saying another), and, basically, the entire platform was in chaos. It all got sorted eventually, but, eesh.

I also regretted taking my camera. Some of the architecture was lovely and there was a huge amount of derelict buildings. I'll have to return there with the intention of taking pictures someday.

Anyway, I need to do a small bit of shopping soon, so I'd best hop to it.

annoyances, trips, love, abandoned buildings/places, valentine's day, euan

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