Sep 06, 2009 21:19

Wow, I need to learn to not listen to certain Silent Hill tracks whilst sitting in the dark. XD

Yesterday at the supermarket was... kind of odd. My team leader, who is normally annoying as hell, was actually tolerable for the most part, and there was barely any work to do in the evening. It was all very... un-Saturday-like, except perhaps for the number of customers and level of noise.

It was pretty amusing at lunchtime, though. Me and Euan went into SubWay, and, as we were standing in the queue, the man with his young daughter in front of us asked for gherkins. However, it is worth noting that, as he said this, he was pointing at the jalapeños. The guy serving him didn't hear him correctly and asked "pardon", and the man again pointed at the jalapeños and said "some of those". I have no idea if he'd eaten them before and assumed they were a particularly hot gherkin, or if he made a humongous mistake, but we had great difficulty keeping straight faces throughout the whole thing. We kept an eye on them, but nothing seemed to happen. XDD We're such gits sometimes, I know.

Today has been quite productive, however! Me and Euan went out (thanks to a lift, courtesy of his mother) to buy some specific things - namely, new shoes, and some new furniture. We succeeded on both counts. We bought two identical items of furniture for the living room - two small, deep bookshelves. Euan's already constructed one, and we slapped a load of books from upstairs on it. It makes the room look that bit cosier. ^_^

As for the shoes, my intention was to get some new, decent trainers that wouldn't fall to bits after a few months. The last pair I bought (before the ones I bought today, obviously) have been falling apart for a while now, and I only got them in March - but, to be fair, they were only £4.99 from Asda and I did buy them because it was an emergency (we were in Southampton for Minami, and my other pair of trainers got waterlogged due to the wet weather, so I got a nice cheap pair to last me the weekend).

So, I got myself two new pairs, both by Sketchers - a white and blue pair of running trainers, and a black pair in a different style, with Chinese-style fish patterns on them. They are so comfy. ♥ Euan, meanwhile, got himself a new pair of smart shoes, mostly for job interview purposes, and a new pair of running trainers.

Afterwards, I also went and bought myself three new tops - one smart, two casual. I'm really in a clothes-buying mood at the moment, for some reason.

Aaaand that's it, for now. Take care, loves.

shopping, food, lolz, music, co-workers, let's get some shoes, euan, silent hill, furniture, work, clothes, books

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