Jul 04, 2009 22:17

Okay, this cheered me right up: videos of Klonoa Wii in... French and Spanish!


image Click to view


image Click to view

I just like hearing stuff dubbed into foreign languages, okay. IT INTERESTS ME.

I like Klonoa's French voice. It's cute. Balue's French voice is awesome. And Ghadius' Spanish voice SCARES me. That's probably the general idea. ^_^

But what cheered me up the most? JOKER'S LAUGH. In both videos. Holy shit. I can't remember the last time I LOL'd so hard at the sound of a fictional character giggling. And that's not a bad thing at all. Oh man. I'm creasing up.

I find the randomest/stupidest things funny, I swear.

lolz, computer/video games, videos, youtube, klonoa

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