Ow. Ow. OW.

Nov 30, 2008 23:04

Today, me and Euan went shopping with Euan's mother. She bought him sme clothes that he picked out for his Christmas present, and I got to spend the balance on my gift card that I've had for about a year now - I bought a green, military-esque-style zip-up hoodie/jacket-type thing.

Later, we both went to visit my gran, for a light lunch and a chat for a few hours.

Today is also the sixth anniversary of my grandad's death. It almost seems like its been longer than that, yet it doesn't feel that long at all, at the same time. He would have been 96 last month.

Before we left, gran gave Euan an old pair of grandad's gloves, too. :)

Now, we're at home, and, once again, I am in agony. I know you're all probably sick of reading about my tooth-related whinings, but I'm worried and seriously pissed off about it. The pain is even worse today, and it is now rivalling the pain I was in on my birthday.

I also had a quick look at it in the mirror, and what do I see on the remaining part of my real tooth? A big, dark brown line very close to the gum, that's what. Either the dentist missed that, or it's sprung up in the past few days.

Either way, I'm calling the surgery again tomorrow.

shopping, tooth issues, in-laws, make it stop, euan, gran, grandad, clothes, dentist, oh the pain

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