Shoplifters ahoy

Mar 13, 2008 00:13

Okay. I keep telling myself that I'll make an update at some point, and then I either can't be bothered or am too tired.

A little thing I keep forgetting to mention: some teenage girls - apparently only 15 - got arrested on Saturday, for attempting to steal a large amount of makeup from the supermarket. According to Hayley, the same girls tried the same thing the previous weekend, when I was in Southampton. (Speaking of which, I will update about that weekend soon, I promise.) They may have even succeeded.

My sister has also been in Paris for the past few days. She returned yesterday (Wednesday, since it's technically Thursday now).

I'm in need of a cuddle (or several) from Euan right now. No particular reason other than the fact that I enjoy Euan-y cuddles. <3

Right, bed soon.

love, sister, france, laziness, stupid customers, work, euan

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