In which Aimz has a complete nerdgasm.

Oct 30, 2007 21:24

Earlier, me and Euan nipped into the town centre before we started the weekly grocery shopping, with the intention of looking for some Mario sports games. I went into LameGameStation (wow, our boycott of that store isn't going so well, is it? XD) and managed to find Mario Power Tennis (second-hand), which we've been after for a while. It was actually cheaper than the price stated on the label, so, whoot!

Also, I took a peek at their merchandise section. I swear, one of these days I am gonna be tempted to spend my month's salary in there. THEY SELL SUCH AWESOME MERCHANDISE, IT'S NOT FAIR. XD

They had so many things I wanted to buy there and then - a kickass figure of Kasumi from Dead Or Alive for £19.99 (take that, rip-off seller who was flogging it at a convention for £65.00!), and some utterly brilliant Resident Evil merchandise.

...I couldn't resist any longer, so I caved in and bought myself an RE product.

You know that S.T.A.R.S. bag I mentioned seeing in there a few weeks back? Well, they no longer had those in stock, so I obviously didn't get that. However, they were selling another RE-themed bag, and I definitely prefer this one to the S.T.A.R.S. one.

It was an Umbrella Corporation bag. A frelling Umbrella bag! Cue mental geekout, and immediate purchase of the item.

They also sold a S.T.A.R.S. wallet, an Umbrella keychain, and... an Umbrella umbrella.

...AN UMBRELLA UMBRELLA. XDD Fuck yes. I want.

After the shopping, we paid a visit to the wedding photographer, to give him the details of the photos we want in the album, and the album itself. ^_^ Yay!

Methinks I'll go back to my TR II speedrun now.

merchandise, shopping, computer/video games, bags, gaming, mario power tennis, wedding, euan, resident evil, tomb raider, figurines, super mario, dead or alive, speedruns, photos

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