FINALLY, an article that doesn't vilify computer games: It has been just a matter of a few months since I last suggested that computer games are too easy a scapegoat for both the media and politicians looking to lay blame for society’s problems.
Video, television, film, music and even books have all had the finger pointed at them in the past, so it follows that computer games would fall under the microscope as the new kid on the block in media terms.
My question is this; why limit the study to one form when you should be looking at them all? If the study is necessary for computer games, doesn’t it follow that we should look at how violence in other media forms affects our kids?
Why, for instance, does a computer game industry that sticks to broadly the same rating system as movies get treated differently to the silver screen?
Something I've never been able to understand myself, but it happens all the time. *le sigh* Games and gamers in general get such a bad rep in the press, due to lack of understanding and the few morons who spoil it for the sane, decent gamers out there.