Sooo, about yesterday. I found out from my dad that Alice knows one of Jodie's younger brothers, Kyle. Apperently she's known him for a while, but it didn't click with her that he shares the same surname with Jodie.
Apparently, he suddenly asked her the other day if she had a sister called Amy, to which she replied "yes"... he then said something to the effect of "Her birthday's on November 21st, isn't it?". To which my sister responded with something like "O_O Have you been stalking my sister or something?!". XD He then said that he remembered I was a friend of Jodie's, and proceeded to inform Alice of Jo's pregnancy (which I already knew about)... and the fact that she's getting married soon (which I didn't know about - although I'm not too surprised, considering she showed me her engagement ring in 2005 so I would've thought that it'd be soon).
So, I phoned Alice about it, and she said that if she met up with Kyle again, then she'd get Jodie's number for me. She succeeded, and texted it to me today - as it turns out, it is exactly the same number that I kept trying to call to try and ask her if she wanted to come to my wedding, but I could either never get through or, when I could, I only got through to the answerphone service.
I'll may phone her tomorrow if I get the time - I will be having a busy day tomorrow though, so we'll see. I just hope she's not mad at me for not being able to contact her in time for my wedding.
Now for a brief description of the weird and kind of freaky Ju-On/The Grudge-themed dream I had this morning:
Well, there did seem to be quite a bit more to this dream, but I can barely remember any of it (I think there was something to do with an urban or industrial setting, maybe?). All I remember is that, in this dream, I still appeared to be living with my mother. Either that, or I returned there on a regular basis (much like I do in real life - I usually go there when I'm on my lunch breaks at work). However, it seemed to be common knowledge - between me and my mum at least - that the house was inhabited by Kayako and Toshio, and had been for some time (I have no idea if Takeo was involved in this dream or not). O_O God knows why they were there, and it was also a mystery as to why they never tried to harm us. It was almost like we were unaffected by the curse for some reason - all I know is, they weren't doing a thing to harm us. They seemed more... curious, than anything else. They were certainly doing a good job of being creepy, though. Toshio (I think he sometimes had Mar, his cat, with him sometimes as well) was always waiting at the door whenever I arrived, but then he'd usually bugger off somewhere and watch me from the shadows. Occasionally I'd hear the familiar croaking of Kayako, but I think I saw Toshio more often in the dream than I did her. Even though I knew that they weren't harming us, I was still fearful of their presence there and didn't really like being around them.
The main occurance I remember in this dream is the fact that I opened the front door, saw Tosh, stepped inside the house, and greeted my mother. I looked up at the staircase, and was unnerved by the sight of both Kayako and Toshio peering from around the corner down at us. Trying to ignore them, I went into the kitchen, where my mother was - I think - cooking some food. I may or may not have been preparing some breakfast cereal for myself. Suddenly, I turned to face the kitchen door, and there Kayako was, standing in the doorway, looking at me. Then she slowly started to advance towards me. She was walking quite naturally - slowly and somewhat shuffly (is that even a word? XD), but naturally, not like her usual jerky movements as seen in the films. Or if she did jerk around and crunch her bones around, I can't remember it. Either way, I was frozen to the spot as she came towards me, until she was right up in my face - she was the same height as me, or at least very close, if I recall - our noses almost touching, as we simply stared, wide-eyed, at each other. I don't know if she was trying to intimidate me, simply acting out of curiosity, or both, but I think that it was probably the latter. After a few seconds of this, I seem to recall that I got the sudden urge to hold her, to maybe try and comfort her in some way. But I can't remember what happened next - in fact, I think I may have woken up at that point.
...Yeah, that was odd. O_O
A new employee started work at the office today - a woman called Mandie. She seems friendly. :)
>_< I have a long, thin ulcer on my upper gum. I only noticed it today - at least it explains why my gum's been hurting for days. A few dabs of Anbesol gel seems to have eased the pain by a great deal, though. My right middle finger is also stinging a bit right now - I burnt it whilst grabbing a pitta bread out of the toaster. Ow.
We also recieved a proof sheet and other assorted things from the wedding photographer today. Now we can make proper decisions as to which photos we want for our album and other things. ^_^
Right, I suppose I'd best continue with Ocarina of Time, make my lunch for tomorrow, and skip orf to bed with Euan. Toodles for now. ^_^