Cosplay idea - help appreciated

Aug 27, 2006 20:23

Another cosplay idea. I really, really want to do this one, but finding all the correct stuff for it is proving to be rather tricky.

The character I'd like to cosplay is The Boss from MGS 3, in her first/Virtuous Mission outfit.

Front shot.

Back shot.

From the side.

Close-up - mainly focusing on the glove here.

I thought that it would seem somewhat easy (remember - I can't sew for toffee), but, alas, eBay doesn't seem to be turning up many results. There are also no army surplus stores near to where I live - the only related thing in this town would be the army stall at the market. I could always travel to the military store in Weymouth - if that store still exists. That's the nearest store I can think of, and that would take at least a 30-45 minute car journey to reach.

The easiest aspect of the outfit would probably be the shoes - I'm sure I could find a similar-looking pair for a reasonable price around here, or I could always go with my Doc Martens as a last resort. The black undershirt would also be simple enough.

I was wondering if anyone would help me out with this - the correct names for some of the gear would help, too. What is the "proper" name for those particular types of gloves? The containers? The straps (aren't they similar to those used by parachutists)?

Also, lord knows where I'd acquire a radio like that, with the earpiece. Meh.

I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to the subject of army gear, so forgive me if my questions seem somewhat dumb.

In other news, it is ridiculously stuffy in this room.


cosplay, metal gear, gaming, pictures

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