
Jan 29, 2004 10:25

My day so far, in brief:

- Woke up from rather bizarre dream involving a lion, a talking bird and two talking dogs.

- Staggered to bathroom, unable to tolerate light.

- Made sure to dress in lovely warm clothes.

- Was vastly amused as mother was ambushed by windscreen wipers while scraping ice off car windscreen.

- Observed postman wearing shorts. Yes, shorts. In this weather. Concluded that he probably wants to show off the lovely tattoo on his calf.

- Was dropped off close to college. Was forced to adopt a certain walk to avoid slipping on ice - in other words, had no choice but to walk like a penguin with a large stick jammed up its backside.

- Went to college's exam office, collected exam certificate for the Critical Studies exam taken last year. *Is proud of her 'A' grade*

- Penguin-walked into town.

- Checked bank account, still have not been paid. Wandered up to hotel, met Andrea on way.

- Turned out that I am being paid tomorrow.

- Staggered to the bus stop.

- Considered hitching a ride on fire engine.

- Caught bus.

- Arrived home.


lolz, exam results, bizarre, tattoos, college, dreams, bus service issues, brrr it's cold, mother, work, waddle waddle, exams, animals, money

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