Writing, Caterpillars, Art. Obviously.

Jun 08, 2010 00:24

Three bits of something:

1) I sent some stories to some magazines/competitions. Yes, I'm totally freaked out about it. People will judge me homg. And I had to write covering letters. THE HORROR.

2) For my birthday way back in March, my mum gave me a 'Grow Your Own Butterflies' kit which is exactly as awesome/crazy as it sounds. I got the caterpillars in the post last week - I've never recieved a package with living things in it before, it's utterly insane. They come in a little pot with food in it, which you are not supposed to open until they become chrysalides.

The caterpillars were less than a centimetre long when they arrived, and grew to be at least five or six in the space of a week. They went through some crazy creepy crawly shit in the course this, growing spines and developing HUGE ORANGE HEADS and pooping everywhere, before they all climbed up to the top of the pot and hung upside-down like weeny insect Buddhas. And then their HEADS FELL OFF before they became tiny armoured transforma-pods.

All except for one - one is developmentally slow or something, because it's always a couple of days behind the rest on things like GIANT ORANGE HEADS. I've christened him Runty. Right now, he's crawling around the top of the pot bothering the chrysalides, which makes them thrash around like someone stuck in a sleeping bag. This is completely hilarious and baffling, which is how I would describe the entire experience.

3) I want to do a thing where I record a craft or art project every day/week. I don't mean do a craft or art project every day/week, I already do that, but actually take pictures and blog about it. Otherwise all this crap just goes to waste - and there's so MUCH of it! Therefore I present Today's Creative Project:

Daily Creative 1: Gift Card Plectrum

A very simple one to start us off.

I got the idea from a particular craft site, but I didn't make a note of it, and when I went searching for it I found that loads of people have come up with this idea. I couldn't claim originality even if I wanted to! Zakka life has a good tutorial.

I made this from an iTunes gift card and used nail-file emery board to smooth the edges down. It plays pretty good :D

pets, writing, daily creative

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